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  1. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. It’s just right for me!! for i love tea 😉 I love that print and also the teacup. Really, i love everything about it and i thank you for giving me the chance 🙂

  2. I look forward to getting the beautiful tea cup and making breakfast tea and sit back and relax and watch the sun rise and the birds fly and flowers bloom. In other words, just have a wonderful morning

  3. I would love to win the tea cup because my mom collects cups and I collect pots! It would be a lovely gift for her!

  4. I would love to win the teacup and saucer! It’s ironic that is what you are giving away this month because I just hosted a Mother’s Day tea this year with a Vintage teacup theme. We each had a different tea cup to tell a story about. I guess if I win this I will have my story for next year 😀

  5. Love everything in this great tea giveaway but I’m most excited about the pretty tea cup. Love tea!! Thank you for the chance to win!

  6. I think that the Hot Coffee Art would be very pretty. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!

  7. Great giveaway! That’s a really cute shop – love the retro vibe! I love tea cups, that’s probably what I’d be most excited about 🙂

  8. What a lovely giveaway! I cherish the moments in this busy world when I can actually sit down and enjoy a good cup of tea! Thanks for the chance to win!

  9. I love anything rose inspired so I sure do love that tea cup and saucer for sure! Really like the baking liners and clips too. What a wonderful give-a-way and thanks so much for having it.

  10. Hi Katy. What a darling giveaway you have for us this time. It’s delightful, and I would like to be entered – pretty please ! Hugs.

  11. We have tea every day in our home- some really lovely things for your winner. Each Mother’s Day we have a Mother’s Day tea with tea and cookies for our mom. It is a lovely event that celebrates motherhood with my school kids.

  12. I love tea and especially Twinings English Breakfast so the Tea Cup and Saucer would be special, thank you! All the other prizes are awesome too!

  13. Thank you Katie. I am so glad you choose to include my print in your giveaway. I’m sure your readers will love it.

  14. Good morning, Katherine! Thanks for the great giveaway. I’m most excited to win the tea cup and saucer!

  15. What a Wonderful giveaway. That tea cup and saucer is gorgeous and that tea print sure would look awesome hanging on my kitchen wall.
    Would dearly love to win this.
    Thank you for this opportunity

  16. Great Giveaway Katherine,

    I love tea cups, tea pots, and drinking tea. I would love to win this giveaway. Thanks for putting it together.
    Have a lovely day.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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