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  1. Happy Happy Birthday. We share the same birthday November 1. Great day to be born. Sure would be awesome to win the money for my Birthday! LoL

  2. Happy Birthday, Katherine! Something for your enjoyment: www. youtube. com/watch?v=uKYHYxTYxS0

    Also, had some issues with the Rafflecopter. On the second one, I had entered everything, and when I refreshed the page, half of them needed to be redone.

  3. I’m not entering all those items for the contest, but I am going to make blueberry muffins in your honor. The recipe sound delicious! Happy Birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday Katherine!

    I also wonder do you have to do part 1 to do part 2? I don’t do Facebook nor twitter.

    Thanks. Looks like an amazing giveaway!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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