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  1. I don’t meditate but I do have a happy place image. I don’t know if such a place exist – a huge oak tree between mountains and the ocean (me sitting underneath). It cools me off and warms me up at the same time.

  2. That’s really cool. We’ve had similar childhoods as far as few happy places back then, however, I can still find happy places amongst all the chaos.

    I used to be a huge thinker, I would just sit and think and I was perfectly content meditating. Now a days not so much. I think a lot, but not meditate. I need to find the time to not be so busy, find the time to just sit and think and meditate 🙂

    My happy place is usually a calming empty beach with seagulls calling in the distance.

  3. Oh my! I just watched your youtube video – absolutely what I needed today… it’s been cArazy around my house. It was so nice to take a minute to “get away”…. when it was over, the important things were so much clearer to me. Thank you my new friend….

    stringtown home

  4. My elderly Mom and I live on the beach in California. Some of our best times were spent on a bench at the beach talking about life, our family, the ocean we loved and experiences. That is my happy place since she died 3 years ago. We grew up on Malibu beach where we had many happy family times. That is a good happy place for me. I also block life out when I am on overwhelm. Its what my Mom called “compartamentlization” You turn off, do what makes you comfortable and relax.

  5. Hi, Katie

    What a lovely post. I cried when you spoke about the picnic. What a lovely memory. I would hold on to that too. Have a great week.


  6. Hi Katherine,

    I enjoyed seeing your adorable photo of you.
    My happy place is when I’m crafting. I craft a lot as you know 🙂

  7. Katherine
    I like your thought of a Happy Place and that you share the idea with your Grandkids. There is comfort and security in remembering good times and wonderful people.

    Thanks for sharing your Life Tid Bit thisTuesday.

  8. That’s wonderful, the sun on your skin and the daisy crown are my soft breeze, sand on the beach and sweet air. I used to meditate and find that it’s a good time to restart. Lovely post.

  9. You were a precious child, Katie. All it takes is one happy moment like that stored in your memory from childhood or any period of your life. You can go there whenever you wish and experience it all over again. You see what you saw then, hear what you heard then, feel what you felt then and smell what you smelled then. It becomes real and you reap the benefit. I am a great believer in the power of meditation. I believe, through practice, you can install tools that enable you to get to your happy place as quickly as changing the channels on a radio. It can be instantaneous. It doesn’t require years of therapy. Have a wonderful day, dear friend!

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Love each other as God loves you xo

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