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  1. Oh Katherine,
    I hope I am not too late to enter…What an awesome giveaway. Will be keeping my little fingers crossed. Oh and I follow your sweet blog through Linky 🙂 Have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  2. i thought the Cotton Pique Trilby hat was very cute and the Summer Trilby one also, but i love alot of the headbands as well (esp 1″ Grosgrain band with side ribbon tie trim). Too hard to chose just one item 😉

  3. I visited Jennifer’s website, how to choose just one item! I do like the 1″ Grosgrain Band With Side Ribbon Tie Trim in purple!!

  4. I followed you through email and on facebook.
    I’m not much of a hat person but I love her headbands.
    My favorite is the model: PP3GSR Multi Colored Metallic Leather Pieces headband.

  5. I would love to win this fabulous giveaway.
    I am a long-time follower…
    and I am taking your button to my sidebar.

  6. I don’t do much on facebook but I LIKED you on it. Is that the same as following you? Not sure.

  7. Hey, guess what? I have another entry, I’ve found your corner on F/B and now Shoestring Elegance’s f/b like Katherine’s Corner f/b…hehe..I’m so tired I’ve gone a little batty!! Hugs, Ciao! Theresa.

  8. Okay, Katherine, This comment is to say Thank you for the invitation and for visiting my blog and to add another 1 last entry, I have now posted your button on my blog, there, My Dear Katherine, Can I win now? Please accept my apologies for the mistake on your name in my 1st entry, it won’t happen again!! xo. ~Theresa.

  9. Thanks ever so much for linking up to Freedom Fridays! I so love the giveaways. Still enjoying following (and learning from) you:) Thank you , my friend.

  10. Hi Katherine! I follow you through email, Google+, and GFC…I think Twitter and Facebook too. Very beautiful products. I especially liked the Ivory velvet leaves head band. It also comes in brown velvet leaves. I would wear them often.

  11. Hi, what a wonderful giveaway! I have joined as a follower and really cannot choose which item I like best on the other website. BTW looked at your other blogs. My husband loves fish and chips too and my USA friends always want to go to get them as soon as they arrive! I loved the blog with the purple coloured flowers…beautiful! thanks for hosting this giveaway. Sounds wonderful! Joan

  12. all things at Jennifer Ouellette are cute! thanks for this giveaway! but the most i love is quid headpiece felt pound shape on skinny grosgrain headband, and assorted button pony! i wish i have two both lol ^^

  13. Oh what lovely items you are giving away this time! Wishing you a beautiful weekend & Happy Mother’s Day! ~Hugs, xoxo

  14. I saw your wonderful site on my G+ stream…Just signed up to get your site at G+ and in one of my e-mails too…Beautiful images and talent go hand in hand at Katherine’s Corner.

  15. What a wonderful give a way for summer time. I live at the beach and use headbands and beach tote’s all summer long. Beach totes are a big part of my life. At designer Jennifer Ouellette’s website I love the leopard print headbands. Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing give a away. I follow by email.

  16. I follow you! I think through google since you are in my google reader, its hard to remember how I follow everyone! LOL

  17. Katherine, it’s nice that you’re giving away such pretty “girly” things. Love the bag & the headbands…I follow you through e-mail :o) Have a blessed Day!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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