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  1. Hello again. 😉 After seeing your post about gfc, which is how I initially followed, I have joined your blog via email subscription. I have a wordpress blog and have never been able to have gfc. I felt like I was really missing out, but now I guess it I won’t be. As an alternate, I have a Networked Blogs option on my blog. Have you used Network Blogs?


  2. Hi there! Glad to find you. I am a new follower via gfc. Looking forward to getting to know you through your blog. Thanks so much for hosting.


  3. Happy, Happy Thursday Katherine! I always enjoy coming here:) Thank you so much for hosting every week!

  4. Oh I was so excited to visit Shenita and see ya’lls Blog Hop. I am now a follower of your blog too!
    What a fabulous way to meet new bloggers,

  5. Hi Katie-Happy Thursday to you…thanks for reminding me. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to link, it’s telling me the “can’t find server” and all 43 links are missing the photos…could be my computer, or just a “glitch” will have to come back and see what happened…sigh!

  6. Hi and Happy Thursday my dear friend! I’ve got the code on my blog and am on my way over to tell the Ruby community about the hop today. Praying for you and looking forward to chatting when you have a minute. Don’t worry about the letter we discussed, whenever you have time – I’ve got tons of other projects to work on and that one can wait a few more days ;o) Much love to you this day! N

Love each other as God loves you xo

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