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  1. Love your give away-I’m a follower—so please enter me!! Thanks and have a beautiful weekend!! Love your header!! It’s snowing! Yipee!!

  2. I have done everything.

    I follow you on
    Google Friend Connect
    and I just tweeted about the giveaway.
    This is a really cool giveaway.

  3. I don’t twitter much but I will get busy with all the others and come back and tell you as I compete them! Great giveaway! As a child we had two beautiful poodles. I loved those doggies dearly! Hugs Anne

  4. Just shared this on my facebook page as well. I don’t use Twitter so I can’t tweet about it, but my facebook friends know. Now I’ll go grab your button for my sidebar!

  5. Hi! I was finally able to get over here through Firefox – no clue what my problem was with IE, but at least now I know how to get here ;o) I’ll keep tweeting and promoting on the Ruby community page and Twitter, and I’ll also post the button over at mamas*little*treasures. Let me know what else I can do to help . . . . although it looks like you’ve got quite a few entries already! Much love, N

  6. hi there my friend! how adorable is this giveaway! i just put it on my sidebar so others can come and join the fun! sending hugs!!!! (pink ones : )

  7. Hi lovely lady.
    I also have your Button on my Tablescapes sidebar. I will put a comment on my Blog for you about your give-a-way..
    xxoo Diane

  8. I now follow you via email. I love the pink poodle. I have a friend who collects them so i see them often. So cute.

  9. How exciting!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee all the pink!!! GORGEOUS!!! I just started following your FB page and I am connected to you through email! Have a great weekend! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  10. Hi Katherine, and Happy New Year!
    What a great way to start out the new year, with this beautiful giveaway.
    Have a lovely day! Big hugs x

Love each other as God loves you xo

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