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  1. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO loving your purple board!!!! alas i am addicted to pinterest! i am trying to resist its calling so i can focus : ) lol!!! sending hugs and i am now following you on the big “P”! sending hugs!

  2. I don’t want to get started on anything else that keeps me on the computer. Blog reading takes me all stinkin’ day!

    Have fun with it and have a great weekend!

  3. Katherine, I just gave in too! 😉 My cousin finally twisted my arm, but even so, I’m still having to learn all the how to’s. I’m hoping it won’t take more of my time away from me though. Time is a rare commodity and I want to make the best use of it. It certainly is popular with most people I know. I’ll look forward to seeing more of you there! xo

  4. Pininterest is very addictive!! I love this site. I could be on it for hours there are so many things to look at but I do restrain myself 🙂

  5. Pinterest can be habit forming since you can find virtually anything you want there and two clicks later you are on the web site it came from for details, recipes, etc. You can also pin things while you are on any web site without even being on Pinterest.

  6. ohhh yes I have my own Pinterest site — come see/follow here: but really I use it just for my own pleasure… gathering goodies for future projects and home inspiration. Giving myself ideas for craft and photography. I LOVE it. Such a cool idea… very visual which appeals to me greatly! Jennie. x

  7. I love pinterest. Now, instead of filling up my bookmarks on my computer, I can save it on pinterest. If I find an idea and make it, I can give proper credit to the original. So useful!

  8. Hi Katherine. Like you, it took me a while to go onto Pinterest, because I thought I just did not have enough time! But I’ve been doing it for a few months now, and just go on every so often. I love their quotations, and their images are absolutely stunning. (I am following you on there by the way!).

  9. Thanks for the information about Pinterest. I’m a bit of a late adopter, I suppose. Always a little behind the curve… Now I know what all the buzz is about and will check it out over the weekend. All the best.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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