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  1. Pingback: Enjoying Edible Sunshine | Finding The Inspiring
  2. This may be a dumb question, but how does a blog hop work? I was going to enter it, but not sure what I’m doing! lol Please let me know whenever you get the chance! 🙂 Hugs and happy Friday to ya!


  3. Ahh, made it! It’s been a busy week, which is nice, but my blog visiting falls behind;) Thanks for hosting!

  4. Finally after weeks of no internet I am able to come and join in this wonderful blog hop. Katherine you are a genuinely lovely person and it is so nice to see how many people have already signed up today. It is testament to how nice you are!
    I’m looking forward to meeting some new friends and SO happy to be back in blog world!
    Hugs and best wishes

  5. Congrads. on your 20th party. I really enjoy and get great inspration from meeting the other bloggers and your co-host. Just wish I had time to visit all of them.
    Have a fabulous day,

  6. Just found your blog hop. I subscribed to your blog and your co-hosts. Thanks for letting me participate. I would love to co-host sometime if you are interested. 🙂

    Great blog by the way. Have a great Thursday!

  7. Hope you are having a great week . . . . I know you miss all the fun of hanging out with your online friends, and we miss you, too, but we will never forget you ;o) We’ll always be here waiting for you to stop in for a visit. Praying for you today my friend! Much love, N

  8. I have followed you for a while and I now follow your co-host. I will enjoy this hop today, as I’m down with the flu. I have plenty of time to visit blogs:) I would love to co-host one time, and would be able to anytime from mid-February on. Thanks for this great hop! Patrice

  9. Hi Katherine,

    I found your site via Ruby for Women, and I am now a new follower…what a blessing. I have linked up some links, and am looking forward to looking at some of the links that have linked up this week. I am a relatively new blogger, but I would love to co host a linky with you at some point. Feel free to visit my blog, and e-mail to let me know how to do this…what a great idea. My blog is Thank you so much for hosting this blog hop…what a blessing!!


  10. This is fantastic! I am looking forward to being a part of your blog hop and have already found some great blogs to follow! Thank you and have a fantastic weekend!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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