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  1. I would be so happy with anything here for a prize, but most esp. the sunglasses or eyeglasses 🙂

  2. I would love to win the jewelry from Coldwater Creek. I love their stuff. Thanks for this amazing awesome giveaway. Have a lovely weekend!!!

  3. I love coldwater creek! I use to shop there frequently. I especially liked their jewelry. I would love to win some!

  4. Great prizes! Thanks so much for hosting. Would love the surprise!! Or the jewelry….. Or well, all of it!!!! Lol happy Sunday!!!! (hugs)

  5. Hi Katherine, stopping by to Tweet about this great giveaway. Hope you have a great night

  6. I’m really exited to win the glasses as I’m usually not satisfyed with the way cheap glasses look on my nose(that’s reason one why I don’t wear them) and I don’t like the prices for the more expensive ones (it’s reason two). I’m wearing lenses at the moment and by the end of the day my eyes are too tired 🙂

  7. What a fun giveaway! (I still have 2 days left to win a 3-month subscription to Conscious Box if you’re at all interested in entering).

    What would I like to win the most? Probably the jewelry, or maybe the amazon cash – gc are always such a good idea! 🙂 Thanks!

  8. What a fun giveaway! I still have 2 days left to win a3-month subscription to Conscious Box if you’d like to enter 😉

    What I’d like to win the most? Either the jewelry, or maybe the cash – amazon gc are always a good thing! 🙂 Thanks!

  9. Love to win the gift card since everyone wants the eyeglasses or jewelry. 🙂 I’d be happy with whatever prize, they’re all great. Thanks!

  10. I can always use cash, so I suppose that is what I would most like to win 🙂 However, I love coldwater creek and so the jewelry is a tie with that!

  11. What a fantastic competition!!! I certainly need to look at accessories to put the finishing touched on some outfits 🙂

  12. I am excited about the surprise! I love surprises!

    I am so ready for spring to roll around. Maxi dresses and sandals are calling my name!

  13. Katie, thanks for the opportunity to win such fun things! Don’t know how I missed this last week but thanks for the heads-up on my blog…


  14. Hi, Katie~ ‘m a little late getting to you, I know. But, none-the-less, I have entered and am all linked up!! I’m certain all the prizes are lovely but honestly, I am most excited to see what the little something from you is..!! Hugs and Blessings,

  15. Most excited about? Ooo that is hard. I LOVE Coldwater Creek so I would pick that….but since I had my son I need glasses (amazing what pregnancy does to your body) so I would love those….but I do love cash (who doesn’t)….BUT surprises are always wonderful! Okay….I am excited about everything 🙂

  16. I think I’m most interested in the glasses, but the website was down so I did not get to see them, I need new glasses and would love to get some pretty ones!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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