take the chill off

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  1. I’m not sharing anything today but I invite you to link up at my themed party (for Christmas trees and ornaments) and my unlimited monthly party!

  2. I love the hot chocolate and coffee bars! I just threw together a very impromptu hot cocoa bar on Wednesday. We had a snow day with about 16 inches of snow and all the neighbor kids descended upon my house (I am that house where all the kids flock). They played out in the snow for about 4 hours and came inside cold and wet…hot cocoa was absolutely in order! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!


  3. Thank you for hosting! This is what I featured the week of 12-9 to 12-13 on my blog. On Tuesday morning was my Sweetheart Fantasy Fudge. Wednesday was my traditional Buckeye Candy. And wrapping up the third week of Christmas baking are Dairy and Gluten Free Sugar Cookies. Enjoy!

  4. Beautiful inspiration, and so much lovely deliciousness to consider today, Katherine. I’m joining you at #134, 135, and 136 with holiday stuff plus white paint color ideas designers turn to again and again. Hope these stories help and inspire. Best to you this Christmas, and peace to you and yours. 🙂

  5. Hi, Katherine! Thank you so much for hosting another great party. This week I am sharing #57 Mexican Christmas Eve Salad. Have a wonderful week and a very Merry Christmas!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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