appliance garage

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  5. Dearest Katherine
    I have always wanted an Appliance Garage, or Butler’s Pantry as we call them – either that or just the Butler to put the toaster away after the rest of the family have used them!!!
    I think I may be a bit ‘odd ball’ for the linky today – haha! But as always am drawn to participating and adding my favourite things which this week is tennis!! Hope that is ok?
    Thank you for hosting once again.
    Wren x

    1. Catherine, thank you for always joining in the fun and for your love and prayers. Judy was a lovely woman and I will miss visiting her blog and seeing here sweet comments here. Smooches!

  6. I missed you today, hope you get your computer/internet fixed soon so you can link up with us next Friday. Have a wonderful weekend – I hope you see this before Monday!

  7. Hi Katherine,
    Your white tea set is lovely on the banner! It would be wonderful to sit down for a cup of tea, especially in this cold weather. I’m linking my Top 12 GF Main Dishes for 2013 this week. Thanks for hosting such a lovely party.
    Stay warm!

  8. Pingback: Ice Cold
  9. I am constantly amazed that you manage to keep up with your blog and visit all the posters too – you are one amazing chick!

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  11. Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Amazing how much community comes to mean to us. I also love the new look of your site. Thank you for hosting the linkup!

  12. Hi Katherine, that is so sweet to dedicate this to Judy. I will miss Judy so much and she would always visit my blog and leave such sweet comments. I am really sad and will miss her. You grandson is such a cutie! Thanks for hosting and enjoy the rest of the week.

  13. Thank you so much for sharing the news about Judy, I cannot believe it…so sad and shocked I had to read it a second time. It brought tears to my eyes 🙁
    BTW, I love your new header. Happy 2014!

  14. Katherine, you are a gem of a friend to all. I finally have a page for the button – need to figure out how to get to it. Happy New Year and thanks again for the kind note.

  15. Your grandson is adorable!
    I was a bit familiar with Judy’s blog and I’m so shocked and saddened. Thank you for relaying that information.

    1. Thank you sweet Alama, I thought I needed a little freshening up. Although I do try and change the header regularly. This year I wanted to make a few changes on my blog too. Thank you for being a sweet co hostess. xo

  16. Katherine….I never shared this laundry room post because I was in the midst of packing. It would be my favorite room if I still lived in that house. I only wish I had chosen to complete it before the “end.” 😉

    This week I joined the Project Inspire{d} hosting team. Our link party goes live every Monday night at 8 EST. I’d be delighted if you would consider popping over and linking up some of your fabulously inspiring posts:

    Wishing you An ExtraordinaryDay!!

  17. Yes, I was so saddened when I heard about Judy’s passing! She was a sweetheart and will be truly missed in the blogging community! Hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday Katherine…wishing you a blessed 2014! Love your new look, btw! . Ooops, almost forgot…as always, thanks for hosting!:-)

    1. I know she will truly be missed. Yes we did have a nice holiday thank you. Hoping you made plenty of happy memories over the holiday too. Thank you for the compliment on my blog update. I love creating blog designs for others but this year I vowed to update mine too.Wishing you a wonderful 2014. God Bless, ♥

    1. Thank you so much Raven, I love having you join in and it is such a great feeling knowing you look forward to it every week. Thank you for the sweet compliment of my blog update. I love spending time creating blog designs for others and I do try and change my header regularly. But this year I was determined to give my blog an update too. ♥

Love each other as God loves you xo

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