Christmas home tour 2014 mantel

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  1. Thanks for visiting me and leaving such a nice comment today!
    I am a Scorpio and chronic illness fighter too, I can tell we share some similar traits after visiting your blog.
    Merry Christmas!


  2. Everything looks lovely! The sign your got your from your grandchildren is a great addition, and I like that it’s at the front door where everyone can see it. 🙂 Merry Christmas to you!

  3. Oh, my. I am so in love with your Teal tree! I love the Angels where did you get them? I’m so sorry to hear that you were/are ill. I have been very ill myself. I have not been able to make the presents yet. I have been really heartbroken since we lost my father – in-law Pa Bear along with our upstairs neighbor Rod. I am praying for a better year in the coming year.. Also, could you please pray for me as I may be getting diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson Disease.

    1. Hello Karen, thank you, I have been collecting angels for many years. I don’t remember where all of them came from. But some were purchased at a lovely store in Utah called rainbow gardens. I am truly sorry for your loss and hope the holiday season and the new year bring only good things your way. I pray you will not be diagnosed with early onset Parkinsons. I had tremors for years ( still have a head shakes now and then) I know how awful they can be. Big Hugs!

  4. Hope you are feeling much better. You have a lovely home and beautiful Christmas decorations. Wishing you many blessings for Christmas and in the New Year!

  5. **Merry Christmas Katherine**, I love the tree your grandkids made, it is darling, your not old enough for grandchildren!!! You did well with decorating, some years are like that, I have not been in the decorating mood this year, at all, so little has been done.

    Be well and have a wonderful Christmas!!!

  6. Oh, Katherine, your Christmas decorations are beautiful! I hope you are feeling better. Our whole family came down with a cold also. We have been out of commission over a week, so I was very late trying to get the house ready. You did a beautiful job! Merry Christmas to you and yours, dear friend.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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