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  1. Katherine,
    I had no idea that is what it is called when you keep a song in your head lol. I love memories and this is a weekend of making memories, I will spending it with my mom, my daughter, and my superhero grandson at Disney! I loved reading about all your memories as well.
    Have an awesome weekend
    The Adored Home

  2. Oh how I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your time with your grandchildren. Love the idea of goggles in the bathtub 🙂 It was a joy to help make those memories happen. Congratulations, Rosey, on winning the Giveaway. Have fun with all the goodies.

  3. LOL at your disclaimer that your granddaughter arrived with a broken foot and didn’t get it there. 🙂 And awwww to her!! I hope that’s healed up soon.

    How fun that you made such good memories (and yum! to the pancakes). It’s nice too that you had friends helping while you got to visit. 🙂

    I’ll probably have Van Morrison earwormed in my head all day, but that’s okay, I like the song. 🙂

  4. I have a great memory. Sometimes it’s frustrating because no one remembers things with me! We just got back from a trip with one of the kids’ grandmothers. Her husband (my father-in-law) was playing in a bridge tournament and my husband had to work, so it was quiet. We did things very low key – like bubble baths and movies and quiet walks, and I thought that maybe she appreciated that. Just snuggle times and mellow times with her grandkids. It wasn’t one of those trips with big restaurant dinners or amusement parks or anything intense. From reading this post, it makes me think maybe she really loved our time together.

  5. What a great post! Glad you appreciate the treasures you have and how generously you share them with your readers. Love your quote, “Precious memories keep us afloat…..” You have such a lovely family. It’s what sustains me as well.

    Woke up thinking about my wonderful father who’s now gone but left behind memories – him spouting Wordsworth and Kipling, etc. etc. Ah, what would we do without those memories?

  6. Congrats to Rosey for winning the Farewell to Summer Giveaway, and I can’t even recall what that entails. So much for *my* deficient memory, which is anything *but* eidetic. I mean, sometimes I have trouble remembering what I ate yesterday! I swear that all these migraines are causing too many brain cells to leak out of my ears…..

    Thanks for the photo tour of the lovely week of memory making with your grand kids. How precious are these kinds of times!


  7. What a lovely story, Katherine! As we bought my husband’s paternal grandparents’ house, we are surrounded by memories. I asked hubby about a bookshelf that was in the living room and he said, “Oh, the entertainment center?” :O) Mamaw used it to store her VHS tapes of old wrestling programs (like from the 70s and 80s). That brought up the memory of the first time I met Mamaw, who threatened (jokingly of course) to throw hubby across her yard for not bringing our boys to see her sooner.

    Thank you for this trip down memory lane. Have a great weekend!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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