lucky number 14

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    1. Shirley it was a difficult decision, but I think it challenged me. I don’t think I will do anymore lives but I do think I will do a couple of short videos once in a while. Take my hand will do it together. Hugs!

  1. Yes, my tulips have bloomed and the petals have now all blown away. Daffodils, too. I’ve been buying annuals and potting them. They seem to do better that way than in the ground.

  2. Your site is lovely and you have such beautiful inspiring content.
    I’m new to blogging myself and it can indeed be difficult to deal with the technical stuff.
    As for the trolls, my son told me to just ignore those, if I get any. They most probably simply have nothing else better to do. 😛

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. thank you for your lovely comment and welcome to blog land. I look forward to growing our bloggy friendship and I do hope you will share at the Thursday Favorite Things Party each week so others can find your blog too. hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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