cyber monday at katherines corner

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  1. How disappointing not have anyone show up! I bet at least part of the reason was many were busy visiting family and celebrating over the weekend. Nevertheless, still disappointing. But you are recovering and moving on, that’s the important thing. I sure would like to win that Chadwick’s Giveaway! Thanks for offering it and for gettin’ on the horse again!

    Lastly, what do I think is cozy? A cozy time for me is sitting in my living room alone, enjoying the lights on my Christmas tree and the glow from the Christmas candles I’ve lighted. It would be even cozier with a special someone beside me, but alas! don’t have one at present!

  2. I would have visited, so sorry, I caught an awful sickness from the 13-grandkids and still trying to feel normal.

  3. Aw, Katie this past weekend was insane on my end with my younger daughter’s birthday, Thanksgiving, prepping for Christmas with decorating and shopping, plus my older daughter played in an indoor soccer tournament, too. But you had to stop in finally now to give you some extra hugs and Monday cheer, too xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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