mincemeat tarts

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  1. Congratulations! Your post was my feature pick from my Commenters at #ThursdayFavoriteThings this week. Visit me on Wednesday evening and to see your feature and pick up your badge! All hosts choose their own features so be sure to return to my blog. I invite you to leave more links to be shared and commented upon.

  2. The name of my favorite cookbook is the Best of Bridge. My Mom collected all of the Best of Bridge series and left them to me when she passed away. I open at least one of them a couple times a week.

  3. My favorite cookbook are some of the ones that my mom had when I was a kid. I still have them and we make quite a few recipes from them, especially baking cookies and other treats. Most of them were published in the 50’s or 60’s but there are a few from the 40’s too.

  4. I have to make these! I love mincemeat pie, but we always just bought the frozen pies. My husband has always refused to try it, but looking at the recipe, it sounds similar to a raisin pie. I’ve never had a raisin pie before and he says that is his favorite pie. Is it the same?
    What can I substitute for the brandy?

  5. Not a big mince meat fan here, but my dad actually is. So will definitely keep your treats in mind for him this upcoming holiday season. Hugs and thanks for sharing, Katie xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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