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  2. you remind me of my husband with your watches. He loves watches too! me- I wear one – all the time never take it off, until it dies – then i buy a new one and do the same thing over again.

  3. I can’t believe I missed this hop, I thought I was here, guess I let the ball drop. But I am here now(second chance) Hope your day was enjoyable!! Happy Belated Valentines!! <3

  4. Pingback: Wasteful Wednesday 2/13 - Prepared to Eat
  5. I am enjoying your blog Post, and the Wednesdayness of it. I have participated in blog hops a couple of times, but the participation level (of your hop) is rather daunting. Will try to get to a few this visit.

    (Am coming here from your co-host, Cyndi’s site, the ‘tude She is a friend and a rather ridiculously talented person. Also see a few other friends of the Doctrine in the Comments above, you keep good company!)

    Will get back for more Posts (saw you had a dog in the Post before the current one…. perfect lifeforms!)

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  7. Hi Katherine,

    Good to meet ya courtesy Cyndi 🙂

    Have joined in the blog hop fun and following ya on google +

    Cheers to a new beginning and Happy valentine 🙂

  8. Hi Katherine, I’m joining Favorite Things Blog Hop for the first time today. I have followed you via email and I have both the link to your site and badge on the sidebar of my blog. Will hop in a bit.

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  10. What a lovely little hop! I just updated today’s post to reflect your button and will have it on on future Thursday posts. I would love it if I could join you as co-host one week! Have a sweet Valentine’s Day, my friend!

  11. I linked up on Pictimilitude’s site and am sure it will get fixed on your end soon. Have had issues with Inlinkz myself and probably just something minor. Happy Thursday and Valentine’s Day, too!!

  12. Yippee! What fun! I just love blog hops and meeting new bloggy friends! I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, Katherine! xoxo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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