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  1. Say, I just began the Rob Lowe autiobiography yesterday: tough to put down!
    Plus, just two days ago I posted a review of John Green’s An Abundance of Katherines, so I thought it a curiosity to have found your blog just today as I searched for a Wordless Wednesday hop appropriate for my blog! I’m enjoying your eclectic posts and pics!

  2. So you have read all those books? I seldom read but I do enjoy it. I must get off this computer and spend more time reading.

  3. Gosh, I have a book blog and rarely manage to review many of the books I read. It is more fun to start the next book. Good luck with the reviews.

  4. I can relate. I think I have whittled my review books down to four now. I got out of control there for awhile. LOL. I love to read! I’ll soon be starthing the new one for your book club, too!
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

  5. Oh my. I know that I couldn’t keep up with those writing reviews. I’m a really SLOW reader unless I’m truly interested, completely interested in the content. I mean, they can’t give me a second to sigh or I’m distracted 😉

    Best to you on that stack 🙂

  6. I quite fancy reading that Rob Lowe story… some of these actors live very colorful lives indeed. 😉
    Happy Wednesday Katherine.
    Jennie. x

Love each other as God loves you xo

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