bbq grill giveaway

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  1. My favorite is Kebabs…..veggie kebabs, chicken kebabs, beef kebabs, pork kebabs…It is a style of food that lends itself to variety with all the different marinades that you can create. Endless possibilities!

  2. my favorite grilled item is Salmon ; I would enjoy a hamburger with everything on it , please send me an invite and that would be my second choice 🙂

  3. I Love to cook sweet and tangy baby back ribs,corn on the cob and add brown sugar peaches for dessert…

  4. Hard to pick a favorite on the grill, we do so many things… from pizza to shrimp to burgers. I even roast potatoes. nom nom!

  5. Rib Eye Steak is my favorite thing to cook on the grill! And I love sweet corns, hamburgers and hot dogs just as much. :p Thank you so much for hosting the giveaway. this is a gorgeous grill!

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  6. I love cooking steaks, but my favorite food to grill is vegetables. Corn on the cob (still in the husk), asparagus spears, and sweet onion to go with those steaks! Yummy!

  7. <3 burgers. And Veggies. And steaks. And chicken.
    Ok, is there *any* food I don't like grilled??

  8. I love cooking steaks and burgers, really everything! Seafood is great on the grill, veggies….. too hard to choose! Thanks for the fabulous giveaway! Good Luck to All!

  9. We love to grill meatloaf! Just mix up your meat mixture as you would be bake but no topping on it. Mash out into a big hamburger patty and grill! When it’s done, it’s all crispy around the edges and then you can top it with a mixture of tomato sauce and ketchup! We grilled one this weekend! Hugs!

  10. What a great giveaway and party! i don’t have anything to share, but I will sure pay a visit and take a look at all these yummy recipes. 🙂

  11. My favorite food to cook on the grill is definitely hamburgers, I like to experiment by adding different ingredients to the burgers. Thank you.

  12. My favorite food to cook on the grill is individual gluten-free pizzas with toppings of produce from the garden and homemade mozzarella cheese.

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