mason jar crafts

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  1. Lilacs are my favorite flower; they were my wedding flower. In fact, the date of our wedding was based on the two flowers I wanted (lilacs and peonies). Such a lovely flower! I have two buses in my backyard, but because I’m in SoCal, they don’t really thrive. But, little flowers are better than no flowers at all! 🙂
    Thanks for the lilac smile!

  2. Hello my dear friend – I trust you are well and enjoying the beauty of springtime. I am finally home to stay for a while (Although I have had great fun on our little adventures, I am happy to be home in my cozy little lake cottage!). I am looking forward to participating in the Thursday Blog Hop and will promote it in the Ruby community this afternoon and in the morning. I have my Wordless Wednesday post up so I hope you will stop by for a visit! Looking forward to connecting with you soon ;o) Much love, N

  3. Hello my treasured friend – I trust you are well today and enjoying the beauty of springtime. I am finally home to stay for a while (I am not so good at being away from my cozy little lake cottage for very long, so although it has been great fun, I am happy to be back!). I am planning to join the Thursday Hop tomorrow and will get it promoted on the Ruby community page. I am working diligently to finish up the May issue of the magazine so I won’t be able to jump back into all my fun bloggy activities until next week – but don’t want to miss out on my favorite blog hop of them all ;o) I’ve got my Wordless Wednesday post up so I hope you have a minute to stop by for a visit. Much love my friend, N

  4. I adore lilacs!! We used to have some when we lived on the East Coast, but in Texas I never see them. They are just so delicate and fresh.

  5. Hi Kathering! Beautiful flowers…I especially love the jar they are in! Thanks again for stopping by my blog and the follow on Pinterest! 🙂

  6. Wow, isn’t that just beautiful! I shared similar photos today, though I don’t know what they are. Maybe you might have an idea. Happy Wednesday my sweet friend! ~Hugs, xoxo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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