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  1. Staying awake for 24 hours must have been very difficult. I hope they find the right diagnosis and treatment for you soon. I had not heard of Polycythemia Vera until this post. Hugs from me in California.

  2. I saw something similar to that contraption when we learned some of the ways hair was done in the early 1900's. So was it a time machine that you were hooked up to? 🙂 LOL!

  3. HI!!!
    I was worried those pics were of you!!!You scared me!!!!
    so glad it was just a pic!!!!
    Sorry for my absence, so wind beneath my sail, but I am back!!!!
    have a great week

  4. Wow! Hope they are able to get to the bottom of your sleep issues…that's awful!!! Fun photos, though! ~Janine XO

  5. Sounded like you were in a discoteque minus the music! Hope the doctors get to the bottom of what's causing all of the trouble.

    I'll pass on the hair extensions!

  6. Well, I have to say that is one looooong pony tail you are wearing. LOL

    I hope that they find out soon what is causing the tremors and vertigo and they can do something to stop them. Hugs

  7. Originally I was apprehensive to post these camera phone images. Not exactly keeping with my usual wordless Wednesday posts. But I thought I might get some fun comments. After 24 hours of sleep deprivation I had 27 electrodes attached and strobe lights flashed and other stimuli in an attempt to recreate the tremors and vertigo I have been experiencing since January. Most Doctors are associating it with my Polycythemia Vera. But they are also testing for an underlying seizure disorder.
    Okay let the comments flow, giggle. Anyone want to try these hair extensions?
    Hugs, Katherine

Love each other as God loves you xo

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