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  1. Cute idea! I have no idea what's in there, but I would have taken something small and wrapped it up to try to trick him.

  2. Ooo I have the same problem purchasing a gift for my hubby. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog so I could come discover your own lovely blog! Merry Chistmas and my wild and crazy guess will be a large screen flat screen tv!

  3. Is it some kind of manly-gadget? A power-tool? Although I can't think of one that big!!

    I'm following you too!


  4. LOL no clue, I'm going to say a mini fridge (with freezer) ha ha. It just fits the size.
    PS come on over my blog and see our recent celebrations 🙂

  5. I hope you didn't put socks and underwear in that big box…that would be cruel! ha!
    Does he have a 3-D t.v. yet? Hmmm…maybe that's it???!!!
    Otherwise, what would you give a man who has everything?!

  6. Thanks for the blog visit and follow. I'm your newest follower 🙂
    Fun blog you have over here.

    I have no idea what's in the box, but it looks like it will be fun to open! Is is a fooz ball table?

  7. Looks like quite a package you have there for your guy! Are you the type that will take a small gift and put it in a big box just so no one can guess what it is? I'm giving my hubby DVD's. Wonder if I can find a big box to wrap them in. Hmm…

  8. I really love the sweet comments on my blog. A great way to open my blog. So nice early in the morning. Thank you so much. I was actually reading your post last night and that keeps me thinking until now. I still haven't bought the gift for my hubby. Well, I'll make the guess. Is it a tennis racket?

  9. I'm going with waterblaster – if so he'll be a very happy man *grin* mine loves playing with his (*ahem* sorry I meant working, really we needed another layer stripped off the drive way… really)

    The Arrival, BirthRight Book one on Amazon 1.1.2011

  10. power tools? oh, wait that's what i want! lol, cute post. i sent my hubby a care package, his first Christmas present ever in 7 years of marriage, and he had to go to Afghanistan to get it!!! lol Merry Chirstmas, and thanks for becoming a follower of Type A!

  11. Well, if he like to work around the house, maybe it is some kind of tool or work bench. Then on the other hand maybe it is new speakers. No idea. Have a very Blessed Christmas. Hugs, Marty

  12. Girl I have enough of a challenge buying for my guy much less guessing for your guy! Well OK, a stack of wood for the fireplace? SEE I'm not good at this. Can't wait to see what it really is.

  13. I made my way to a blog that I really love!!
    You'r so creative, and what a sweet post! Can't wait to hear what's in the box.
    Happy Xmas!

    B xx

  14. I am not blessed at guessing so I also don't have a clue but am sure it will be special to him. We share the same needs though, usually all I really need is underwear. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend. I am out of town & will be with my 3 girls & grandkids today.

  15. Hey Katherine,

    Great post! I seem to have the same problem. I solved it by writing little homemade gift cards which he can use all year.

    All I can guess is that it's something technological?

    Have a lovely Christmas!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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