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  1. Summer tourists will return to the shore now and our peace here is over for a few months, but , we love them nonetheless.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  2. HI!!
    So happy you popped over to visit my blog!!!!
    I am always looking for new blogger friends!!!!
    I love your how to sew on a button post!!!Great advice!!!
    have a Great Memorial day

  3. Hello Katherine,
    I wanted to stop in and let you know that you just won the Sweet Sue Bag that I was giving away for the Cottage Charm Giveaway…Please be sure to stop by and see the post as well if you could email me so I can get your shipping information…
    [email protected]


  4. Hi, I can not find your email anywhere, and you did not leave it in your comment on my CC giveaway. Please email me at
    susanscraps AT comcast DOT net

    with the word Gardner or Southern belle
    as the grand prize winner was picked but I now have to pick the 2 other winners.
    Thanks, Susan

  5. Hey Beautiful,
    Well the blog world is still suffering. I thought they had their mess cleaned up and then today almost every one of my blog friends cannot receive comments. It is really irratating and I hope they get it fixed soon. We are having some weird weather here. Linda was at her brothers in the early afternoon which is about 20 miles away and a very strong thunder storm happened while she was there with heavy rain. Dry as a bone here so who knows what the rest of this holiday will bring. Hope it is great for you and your grandchildrens fun time. I know you have winter storms there but do you ever get destructive storms during the warmer times of the year? Just wondering. A lot going on with Linda’s surgery and my youngest grandson’s birthday party will be next saturday.

  6. South Texas is already a little scared of this summer…we do not usually have heat over 100 this early…but it is here and doesn’t look to be going away. It may be a very long summer!!

  7. Lovely post and I think that Memorial Day is such a good way on honouring the fallen. It is a three day weekend here in England as well, but not for that reason. Unfortunately, we will not be having a barbecue or putting on the sunscreen though 🙁 because it is still so flipping cold!! Have a great weekend.

  8. Hi Katherine,

    I found both of your blogs over at Linda’s Lunacy and I love your work! I am following you here on GFC and am following Blog Buttons on Twitter. I hope you’ll join me at Create With Joy! Have a fabulous weekend!

    Twitter (NEW) – @createwithjoy1

  9. Nice post. We had a good Memorial Day, although it was the first in 24 years that my wife and I celebrated it alone … all 3 kids were gone. That was an adjustment.

    You have a nice blog.


  10. Our entire weekend was overcast with intermittent downpours, but that didn't put a damper on our spirits. We went to daughter Ariel's house and had delicious Italian mozzarella stuffed burgers and homemade fudge truffles. YUM!

    Being only a few miles from Fort Campbell, KY, we are constantly reminded to give our thanks to the men and women who fight and have fought for our freedom. I have one very good friend whose wife, only 26 days from retirement, was sent last week back to Afghanistan…her third tour..she'll be there another year. She leaves him at home with their two boys to raise. This, in my opinion, is as great a sacrifice as any, and I remembered her, too, on this day.

  11. Lovely to have the family around for the weekends. I do that with my hubby's big family every Saturday. Have a nice week ahead.

  12. HI!!!!!
    SO very well put, for us here in AZ we often go into mourning as summer approaches, yes days spent at the lake are fun, camping up north in the cool pines are fun, swim parties are fun, bbq's at friends houses are fun, but HERE comes the EXTREME HEAT!!!!!!So nice this weekend, but next weekend the temperature is suppose to be near 110 degrees!!!!So on to the melting sweating phase of life in the desert SW!!!!!I love everything about AZ except the summers!!!!!I have lived here my entire life(except 4 months when my family moved here way back when) but I never get used to the heat, I tolerate it for the other great months!!!!!
    so let the sweating begin!!!!!haha
    I did make a point to say a Prayer for all of our service men and women today, God Bless them!!!!

  13. Katherine,

    I have just read your blog for the first time and immediately became a follower. How I have enjoyed each post and the lovely photos. I thought the linen napkins were absolutely gorgeous—I will be making some of those immediately.

    I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed these few moments reading your blog. Please continue with your wonderful posts and delightful photos. I eagerly await each one.

    In Grace,

  14. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment.
    Your post today is truly heartfelt. Have a nice weekend!

  15. Rather than wait for Memorial Day I pause when I read this post and said a thank you prayer for all of the fallen soldiers and a protection prayer for all military serving today. Thanks for inspiring me.

  16. I was happy to read how you captured the essence of Memorial Day. My hub retired from the USMC after 30 years. He doesn't expect or really want anyone to say Thank You for service rendered (including the Silver Star from Vietnam) for he chose to serve. But it does warm his heart when Americans pause to remember those who've fallen or become incapacitated. On this special day, feelings shouldn't be about the war but about the warrior. Thank you for this lovely post.

  17. It's a holiday weekend over here too, so we will be joining in with all the fun. Not so sure we will be needing so much sunscreen though! :-/ Have a great weekend.

  18. Great summery photo! You have captured the essence of the Memorial Day Weekend… family and friends together and remembering our fallen soldiers.
    Ladybug Creek

Love each other as God loves you xo

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