tidy up giveaway

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  1. I think Craft Supply Things would definitely be my favorite shop! I love making crafts and designing fun little projects for the kids and I to do together!

  2. I appreciate your giveaways. I could really use this one, because my new year’s resolution is to be more tidy, and more organized. I would use the Pay Pal cash to help me accomplish this, or on Etsy. 🙂

  3. My children have been wanting to go to the Connecticut Science Center. Its a museum with hands on exhibits and the shop has amazing toys and suvineers that are educational. I would love to bring them there if I won. Thank you for this chance, Merry Christmas!

  4. Paypal winnings – 100 deductible on my windshield. Need shoes and clothing for family. Actually it is a never ending shopping list.

  5. As wonderful as each of these is, my choice would have to be the one titled “Keepsakes by Katherine”…. which might be the answer to a sought after gift for a friends wedding that I’m unable to attend due to my disability!


  6. I have not been able to really shop for anyone for the holidays, we are behind on our bills due to taking a honeymoon to celebrate our wedding, and it’s just not possible to shop for gifts right now. If I won, I would use $75 on gifts split between my daughter and husband and the remaining $100 towards catching up on our bills. That would be so helpful.

  7. Pingback: Book and $175 Cash Giveaway - Giveaway Promote
  8. Hi Katherine! I’m trying to “Subscribe via email to DIY 180”, but I don’t see anywhere on their site (button, etc.) where to subscribe? Thank you for your time, help and another awesome giveaway! 🙂

  9. I really like the Bouquet Charm, Blue Crystal, Blue Sapphire, wedding charm in the keepsakes by Katherine store

  10. things are really hard right now, and im in a custody battle so money is scant. i would love for this to go towards my court fees

  11. I love many of the items in Blue Iris Jewelry, as well as those in the Be Well Shop. I’m impressed at the number of shops you manage. Thank you for sharing this information with us.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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