lifespan of pantry products

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  1. Is it awful that I thought most of this stuff lasted forever lol!? Maybe this is why Im not the best baker in the entire world?!?! Side note, I saw honey in the picture but not on the list? Anyone know the lifespan of honey?

  2. The information in this list of pantry goods we all store is very helpful. The giveaways are awesome. That apron is beautiful.

    Wishes for tasty dishes,

  3. I have to agree with Marilyn; thankfully we have never experienced chocolate going bad and… I’m not so sure I could be friends with someone who did. LOL! Great tips.

  4. Thanks Marilyn as as few of these I knew, but a few I still didn’t and will have to keep in mind in my own pantry now. Appreciate the help on this though and also hope you are enjoying your weekend so far!! 😉

Love each other as God loves you xo

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