a lid for every pot

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  1. What a wonderful and inspiring post! Funny but Marla reminds me of my daughter who is a strawberry blonde, a gemini and LOVES to write! I truly believe…no, I KNOW, she’ll also be a published author!

  2. What an amazing gift to have someone speak so clearly into your life! So often we question whether we are pursuing the right path. I pray you will bless many people by finding a “lid for every pot.” Great to “meet” you here:)

  3. Honestly, truly, I’m one of those women who doesn’t need a lid for my pot. I knew early on in my life that marriage wasn’t my thing. Unfortunately, I didn’t listen to my inner voice. The day of my divorce was one of the happiest in my life. I love being single. Every day is a gift. As women, we need to be accepting of all the different ways of going through life. I love the author’s story and wish her much success. Isn’t it awesome when you find your bliss?

  4. How exciting. I have always wanted to write but after blogging for two years and having a hard time finding what to write I don’t think a book is in my future.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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