DIY Stencil Revolution

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  1. Will get some tiles from Habitat to stencil, one especially for daughter for her fairy garden.Then make couple for our flower beds.Have great rest of week

  2. I love stencils, and I love these projects! After our move, I re-discovered my stencils in a craft drawer. I’ve been wanting to stencil some stepping stones as you did for our new patio area. (I saw someone do this with glow-in-the-dark paint!) Yours turned out lovely. The embroidery idea is new to me, and what a great idea!

  3. I also have tremors which makes a challenge to make jewelry, but I find it is therapeutic and helps. To control my tremors I add nutritional yeast or bee pollen to my foods. I read about it in Rosemary Gladstar’s book Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health and it does help.

    I love stencils! I have lived in this house 8 years and have a number of blank walls. Embroidery has never crossed my mind, but you have me thinking. Love your projects

Love each other as God loves you xo

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