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  1. Hi Katherine! My fall fashion has been LAYERS upon LAYERS since I’m freezing even inside! I’m sharing inspiration at #144, 145, and 146…covering Thanksgiving and holiday topics so popular right now. I like the softer side of both Thanksgiving and Christmas so my emphasis is always on whites and neutrals that can linger all winter long. Thanks for hosting and hope you are cozying on down! 🙂

  2. Thank you for emphasizing Fall….I simply can’t deal with forcing holidays down our throats at the moment….!

  3. Such a great theme today Katie – I love all the fall fashion ideas! I’m linked at #s 80, 81, & 87 this week. Thanks as always for hosting this wonderful resource – I know I say it all the time, but I always get so much inspiration here! Thank you, and Happy Fall!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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