Almost 60
Hello friends, it’s 4:30 am and I just wandered down the stairs with one eye open ( this is not recommended for safety reasons) hubby asked, “why are you up so early?” I replied, ” my eye hurts, I need eye drops ( I keep some in the fridge) . “It’s the fan” he replied, I answered, “it’s never bothered me before”, his reply, ” you were never almost 60 before”. My reply..”ugh” ( my birthday is on November 1st).

After a few quick drops in my eye, it was tea time, and now I’m here with you, sipping tea from my “tea mug” blogging, and thinking, and sipping and thinking a little bit more.

I have a tendency to “overthink” things. I’ve been told that my whole life. But isn’t it good to think things through before you do, decide, or undertake them?
On a side note-The geraniums are flourishing, new flowers every day the past week. They have no idea what’s coming ( snow) for now they are just big and red and looking awesome.

What am I overthinking this morning?
Have you ever wondered about bloggers that just stop blogging? One day your reading about the latest home decor and the next, Gone, just like that. A stagnate blog post dated months ago stares you in the face and says go away there’s nothing new here. Or even worse you click the url and it goes nowhere, well it goes to the land of “error code 404”.
I feel sad when that happens. Well sad and a bit curious. What made them stop blogging? Not enough time? Not enough energy? Not enough ideas to share?
I am so blessed to share Katherines Corner with you. But I often “overthink” the possible answers to the proverbial question bloggers find themselves asking from time to time, “Why do you read ______________(fill in the blank with a blog name)? “

So I ask you, why are you here? Please don’t let my sore eye and intense vulnerability stop you from sharing an honest answer. (smile)
The Autumn Shopping giveaway has ended and it’s time to count down to this year’s Season of Giveaways, it starts November 7th. I’ll let you in on a little secret…… 95% of the prizes this year are gifts cards ( gift codes) or cash! Make sure you are a subscriber, you don’t want to miss out. Just add your email below.
Well I think that’s it for this early morning post. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday for TFT ( Thursday Favorite Things blog hop link party). I wish you all a fabulous day and ask you to stay safe and please vote.
Happy early Birthday!
Why do I come here? That list is waaay too long;) I started a blog for one day …just wasn’t me. I prefer to journal. My “60” isn’t too far away; and I’ll have to be the guinea pig, as my husband is younger than me and will have no words if comfort. lol!
Sharon what a lovely comment, thank you. It felt just like a big hug, so I’m sending one to you too.
HI Katherine,
I read this earlier this week and loved your post so much I had to come back and comment.
First, Happy Early Birthday! I have felt such a connection to you from the “early days.” Seriously, you were one of the first blogs I followed. To find out years later you managed a RE office I felt this connection with you! I show up on your blog because I like you too (I saw someone else say that and it’s true. You reply to comments. So many bloggers don’t even bother to respond. I think you have untapped posts in your head and I look forward to reading those! Love you! We are also connected geographically ;0) laura in Colorado
Hello sweet friend. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. Your friendship is a blessing. God shows us the path and we choose to walk it, I’m glad our paths connected in such a wonderful way xo
I am here because I enjoy reading your blog, lol. And Happy Birthday! My b-day was Oct 15th and I am still shocked to believe that I turned … wait for it … 63! When I turned 50 it was hard, but 60 really was a shock and I still can’t believe I am 63 years old. How the heck did that happen??? LOL. Anyways, stay safe and be well.
Dawn your lovely comment made me smile. I’m so happy to know you enjoy your time spent at Katherines Corner. Time is a funny thing, sometimes you think it feels like yesterday, and other times it seems like eons ( smile). I’m just so happy you spend some of your time here. Hugs!
I’m here because you have always been a ray of sunshine.
Bless your heart, what a lovely comment. I often think back to those days when we were just starting our blogs. We have come such a long way my friend, and we are still connecting. Sending hugs and gratitude your way.
You post about relatable things ( so many blogs are over the top) . You are a likable person. That’s why I read
Gail what a lovely comment, thank you so much. I know those “over the top” blogs can be a bit overwhelming for me. I often wonder how they have the time to do such amazing things.
Thank you for being a bloggy friend. Hugs!
Happy early birthday, sweet friend! I, too, wonder about bloggers who have left the blogosphere. There is one, in particular, that I have been worried about and hoping they are okay. I hope you never leave. You are such a blessing to all who happen your way. May the Lord bless you with many more happy birthdays and years of blogging, too! Sending love and hugs your way!
Thank you Cheryl, what a beautiful comment. Please accept my sincere gratitude for your comment and for being a bloggy friend too. God bless and hugs across the miles.
I have wondered the same thing though lately I have been understanding a little more why sometimes you just quit. I stop by for a couple reasons but rarely leave a comment, which I am now thinking may be a bit rude. I wouldn’t show up at a friend’s home to merely look in the windows to see what’s going on and not say hi. Maybe I am overthinking today, too. So, why do I visit? We’re close in age, share a love of making our homes beautiful and welcoming, and occasionally you allow me to share what I am doing in my home here with your readers. I get inspired here by you and by those that link up to your parties. There is a virtual community here and in this particular time in history we could all use a little more community. Thanks for hanging in there and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
What a lovely comment, it is a joy to have you here and always a pleasure to share what you create. I love that you may be “overthinking” that really made me smile. Your analogy regarding comments is an eye-opener. May I use it? Thank you for the early birthday wishes Hugs!
Katherine, I think many have thought I quit blogging, but our daughter has been working on our computer for months. She’s a wiz at computers, but she’s very ill and unfortunately she’s had more bad days than good. She really wants to do this for us, but I’m hoping to get it back soon or we may have to just buy another computer. I’m wishing you a Happy Birthday now in case I don’t get back later. Enjoy your sixties!!
Carol that is happy news. Yes, I thought you had stopped blogging. I’m excited to know you will be blogging again soon. Hugs!