tulips and TFT blog hop

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  1. Thank you for hosting the party. Tulips really are wonderful – they are beautiful and hearty. Our links this week are: #189, #190, & #191.

  2. Fun features, Katherine! Tulips are one of my favorite flowers so it was lovely to see all of these beautiful blooms for spring. I linked new posts at 171, 172, and 173. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for hosting!


  3. Serving This Week 4-5 to 4-9-2021 on my blog. Tuesday was Wild Rice and Mushroom Soup. Wednesday was Ham and Potatoes au Gratin. Thursday was Corned Beef and Turkey Sandwich. And Friday was Turkey Ham and Cheese Strata. Enjoy!

  4. Serving This Week 4-5 to 4-9-2021 on my blog. Tuesday was Wild Rice and Mushroom Soup. Wednesday was Ham and Potatoes au Gratin. Thursday was Corned Beef and Turkey Sandwich. And Friday was Turkey Ham and Cheese Strata. Enjoy!

  5. Katherine,
    My Link Ups this week are #88 and 109!!
    I really appreciate you taking the time to host this charming party!! Thank you!!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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