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  1. Happy early birthday, my nephew has the same birthday. I think he always thought that Halloween was an early celebration for his special day lol.

  2. Katherine, I enjoyed your profile page as much as getting your posts in my email. Which is to say I love it. Your a strong fighter to be going through all you are. From one cancer survivoralist to another, I give you big hugs and am cheering you on. We can and will get through this. And everyday is another day we might wake up to them announcing on TV that they have found a cure to the scurge of cancer. In the meantime, it’s an honor connecting with you on here. I hope your birthday on November 1st is a beautiful one filled with laughter and great memories.

  3. Reading your About Katherine page, I was saddened to learn that you have suffered a traumatic brain injury at the hands of someone you once loved and trusted. I am so sorry. Hugs to you.

  4. Of course, I’m a believer in celebrating a birthday a few weeks ahead of time and it doesn’t hurt to keep the horns blowing a few weeks after too!
    Enjoy your festivities, including the big day of November 1st!

  5. Your birthday is November 1st. We celebrate many milestones in November, also. My granddaughter’s birthday is on the 8th. My husband’s birthday is on the 22nd. and our wedding anniversary is on the 13th. My oldest sister’s birthday is November 16. Enjoy your day!

  6. Ms. Katherine, thank you for your lovely content.
    Wishing you a Happy early Birthday – and actual Happy Birthday November 1st!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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