September Thoughts
Dear friends, when I was young, I’d rake the leaves in our yard. Big oak tree leaves and itty-bitty leaves of every color. I’d make piles way too big to fit into the bags. I don’t know if it was the colors of the leaves or if it was the way the cool air felt on my face, but I loved raking them. Now that I’m older it is a reminder that ordinary moments can often be the most remarkable.

The calendar shows September and the photo shows a pile of leaves in all of the colors of autumn. But the weatherman forecasts a 90-degree day today. Yes, it beats the triple digits but how’s a blogger supposed to jump into her favorite season? I spent way too much time looking through Pinterest at autumn decor and designs. I have an autumn Decor board HERE. Please let me know if you would like to be part of it, I’d love to have you join me. Please click HERE to contact me. (smile)
I suppose it was enough to satisfy me for now (smile). But I really look forward to the “real deal”.
When I’m feeling better, I will add some autumn decor to our home. I think I’ll make a new wreath for the front door too. I found these on Pinterest for inspiration.
Christy, from Confessions of a Serial DIYer made this lovely mirror frame wreath. It’s so unique! I love this idea. You can get all the details HERE

And Linda from It All Started with Paint, made this lovely hydrangea wreath filled with autumns colors. It’s perfect for the change of season. You can get the details HERE.