Blogging Tips
Blogging Tips
I’m happy to help you to get your blog off to a good start
Getting a blog off of the ground can be a slow process. It’s always a good first step to let your friends and family know about your new venture. Sharing yourself, or what you do, in a blog is a fun form of expression. You make wonderful friends and connections and you receive joy from expressing yourself. I am happy to share blogging tips with you. When I started blogging I read books and watched a few youtube videos. But, I didn’t have anyone to mentor me or share information with me directly. So I researched for 100’s of hours and learned a lot of blogging tips through trial and error. I am happy to share blogging tips with you and to answer your questions. I try and keep this section updated with new information so I invite you to stop by once in a while for updated information and don’t hesitate to ask me a blogging question.
These are the most frequently asked questions. But, before we dive in, I want to remind you to wear your floatation gear. What I mean is, blog land is a bit like the ocean, it is filled with beautiful thing to discover, allowing you to float smoothly. But, it also has some treacherous areas you need to avoid, so you don’t get pulled under. Why this rambling metaphor? Because I get a lot, I mean a lot, of emails asking how to be ” successful” and “comparing “their blog to someone else’s. First, stop that! Please Do Not compare your blog to another. Your floaties will surely spring a leak and that opens you up to a world of disappointment. We bloggers all reach our blogging goals and subscriber achievements slowly. You may wonder why “the X blog” has so many followers and you only have a few. Would you compare a toddler on a tricycle to an experienced unicycle master? Seriously, you may be new to blog land, they may have been blogging for years. They may have more time to devote to blogging and promoting. They may have caught the attention of someone who can help boost their subscribers or they may have the financial means to advertise. I ask you to please continue to float on smooth water and be patient. You can also do plenty of things to help your blog readership grow. You can see a few ways below.
Welcome to Blog Land!
What Should I Blog About?
Blog post topics run in all different directions. I try and maintain a theme when blogging, At Katherine’s Corner I keep it personal, with lots of sharing, recipes, photographs, giveaways, DIY and life stories, etc. But there are no rules about what you can, or should, blog about just try and use 200-500 words per post. Post titles need to be clear and they will encourage readers.
I like the look of your blog how do I select a Blogging theme?
Thank you, the theme is a lot like your home, it is an expression of the things you enjoy, care about an/or love. It is a personal decision driven by your personality and blog goals. Just remember to keep clutter to a minimum. Just like you do at home pick up a few things but, you live there so make it comfortable.
Make your blog inviting, use images that are cohesive and encourage your readers to stay a while. Remember your design is the first thing they see. Never underestimate the power of a nice photograph and a nice layout. I can help you with this one- Please visit my Custom Blog Art page Click HERE
How important are the photos?
Photos do play a huge part of any blog. Have clear focused photos. Remember to add your logo or watermark to your photos with your blog name or copyright information. If you are using a photo that does not belong to you be sure to credit your source and link back. Once you have drawn the reader in with a photo they will read on.
I don’t have an about page, do I need one?
Yes! You MUST have an about page. It matters, I often visit the about page as soon as I land on a new blog. It lets you know the blogger behind the blog. It’s like opening the curtains to let the light in. Be honest, be humble, and be truthful. Your readers will appreciate it.
Should I join a Blog Hop ( link party)?
Blog hops/ Link Parties- are a great way to share your blog and grow your readership. Just remember the hop golden rules.
Thank your hostesses in the comment section
and visit at least two of the blogs before you on the list.
I invite you to join my weekly Hop, Thursday Favorite Things blog hop link party
I don’t have any social links, do I need them?
Social networking is a great help in the world of blogging, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Pinterest, Facebook, and other social sites help you connect with like-minded people. This allows you to introduce your blog on a larger scale. Warning, social networking is a time sucker, seriously you will jump on to Pinterest at 9 am and then your stomach starts growling and reminds you that three hours have gone and it’s time for lunch. So pick the ones you like the most and concentrate on them first. I use a kitchen timer to remind me to move on after 30-45 minutes. Make sure your social icons are easy for your readers to find. Join some online blogging groups or other social network groups too.
I follow blogs but they don’t follow me back should I stop following them?
If you are following the blogs because you enjoy their content then just look forward to your blog visits. 50 percent of blogs will follow you when they see a new comment or new face on their post. DO NOT ask someone to follow you just because you follow them. You want them to follow you because you share something they want to read, learn or experience through you. Never leave your blog URL in a comment! Search engines including google may flag the blog as SPAM.
I don’t have very many subscribers, how do I get more?
Be Patient your readers will grow as your blog grows. It takes a while before someone who enjoys your blog will become a subscriber. Readers often want to “try the dress on before they buy it”. So just continue to share good content and they will find you. Add your blog post/posts to link parties too. It will get your blog seen and your visitors should increase.
I get weird comments that don’t make any sense or are anonymous. What should I do?
Moderate, moderate, moderate your comments! Don’t allow comments to post immediately. You must moderate; this will help eliminate spam, trolls, and rude comments. I also suggest using a spam filter program, I use Akismet, but there are many to choose from. I strongly and I mean strongly, recommend moderating your comments. The delete button is your friend.
Should I use captchas for comments?
Ugh..don’t use captchas, they can be frustrating and discouraging for readers and may actually stop them from leaving comments. Please see moderate above.
I don’t get very many comments on my blog, am I doing something wrong?
Comments yes, they make us happy. But, did you know only 5-10 percent of your blog readers will leave a comment? Do not judge your reach by how many comments you have. Many may read and few may comment. Engage your readers, ask questions, make your blog post interactive, and provide something for them to respond to within your content. Respond to comments as often as possible. Respect your readers.
Do I need a domain name or can I use my or name?
Blogspot, tumbler, WordPress, they all have ways to add a domain URL. Owning a domain is relatively inexpensive (approximately $10-$25). A domain name that includes your blog name is perfect. It helps brand your blog and readers will legitimize it. Try and stay away from blog names that include your blog host name.
You have a policies page, do I need one?
Yes, there are free sites that have templates for blog policies. It is especially important to have policies and disclosures if you plan to do product reviews. At the very least use this, “Your Blog Name Here “may receive compensation for reviews, endorsements, and advertising. However, no compensation will influence the outcome of any review or product endorsement. This is posted in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
My blog doesn’t show up when I search, any tips?
List Your Blog On Search Engines google, bing and yahoo
you can list your blog on google click HERE
on yahoo click HERE
and on Bing click HERE
It takes time for the crawlers to find you. So blog consistently and use SEO ( search engine optimization) titles. Remember you are just getting started. Do not, and I mean DO NOT, compare your blog to another, especially a blog that has been around for a while.
Lastly, it’s a blog, not your life. Move away from your computer, live your life, then sit down and share it with us. We look forward to reading about it.
Happy Blogging!
Wait there’s more!
How To Set Up Giveaways Click HERE
How To Set Up A Blog Hop Click HERE
The Technical Stuff Explained Click HERE
The Business of Blogging Click HERE
Selling Ad Space On Your Blog Click HERE
Blogging Etiquette Click HERE
Pinterest and your Blog Click HERE
Dear Blog Click Here
Thanks so much for the very comprehensive post! I pinned this and a few others to my “e learning” board on Pinterest.
These blog tips are great! There are so many things to learn and I appreciate your willingness to share your experiences with us!
Wow! There is so much great stuff here! Thank you for sharing. I am still working on the little stuff, which can turn into the big stuff quickly.
I love these tips — think I just read through the whole series! Not comparing yourself to another blogger is probably my favorite. Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you for this section! I’ll be coming back to it frequently. I’m still so much in the dark when it comes to my page.
Thanks for all the tips!! I just started blogging a few weeks ago and I’m trying to soak up all the knowledge that I can. Keep them coming!!
Ashley @ LeavingTheRut
Thank you for the great ideas. Always find something I didn’t know. Thanks for sharing,
You never stop learning. Thank you for the tips, very helpful! Hugs, Jas
Very helpful ideas for newbies and those who’ve been at it for a while. Thank you!
Oh Katherine, this is a TERRIFIC post and just what I needed! I really appreciate the time you took in putting this really informative and incredibly useful list together. Pinned and I will be referring to it often.
This is fabulous! I will be learning much from all these tip. It’s incredibly gracious of you to offer yourself in this manner …. thank you.
Great advice! Thanks Katherine!! I love your Blog hops
Wonderful advice. Visiting from the Wake Up Wednesday Linky. Thanks for linking up!
Thank you my friend, I am always happy to share. keep checking back I often add new updates. xo
Oh wow…what a thorough post. Will have to Pin this so that I remember all of these tips. Good info on the Blog Hops…I am set to participate in my first one next month.
So much wonderful info here. Thanks for reaching out to fellow bloggers.
Sue, it is my pleasure. I didn’t have anyone to help when I started blogging so I am always happy to share what I have learned. Hugs!
This is such a helpful page! Thank you for sharing all these wonderful tips!
Please forgive my delay in responding somehow I missed your comment. I often update the blogging tips page.I hope you will check back now and then for updates. Hugs
Thanks for the Great Tip Roundup, definitely good advise in here. I’ve wanted to switch to wordpress for a long time, but don’t have the time right now to learn a new system. Happy Thanksgiving!
I am so sorry I haven’t responded . I missed your comment, sooo sorry. Transferring to wordpress takes a bit of time but it is worth it. Hugs
I just started a blog and this is amazing advice. I just want to eat up your entire blog haha! I joined from bloglovin
can’t wait to join a link party! I was wondering how do you include a video in your post, mine would be from my YouTube channel?
Adriana,I’m happy to have you as a new bloggy friend and glad to learn my blogging tips are helping you.Because you are on blogger, log into your blog,then into your youtube channel, click share, then click the blogger symbol, this “should” put the video on your blog. But…. if it doesn’t, then click share, click embed, copy and paste the code to your blog post ( make sure your blog post is in html mode.) I am always happy to help, hugs
Katherine this is amazing advice.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
I am happy to share. I learned as I went along and now I can share with you ♥
Great post with lots of information. As a newer blogger, I need to read this over and over
happy to share what I know I am always leaning too.
Great information. Saw this link from Foodie Parties on facebook. I have saved it so that I can read it again and really wish that I read this before I started blogging but will use some of these tips when I get time to refurbish my blog.
Happy to share. I also share on blog posts when I have new things to share.
Thanks – I will be doing a Blogging 101 class in the fall and these tips are definitely keepers!
happy to share
Thank you so much Katherine for sharing all this information……
my pleasure xo
Hi Katherine,
Thank you so much for being generous with this information. We are new to the world of blogging and trying to learn all we can to be successful. It is very much appreciated that someone like yourself with so much success is willing to share that with others. Take care!
Jessica, I am happy to share what I can. Hugs!
I am new to the blogging world but have a teachable heart. Thank you with being so generous with the information. Very appreciated.
Debbie, I am always happy to share what I have learned. xo
Great tips, and thank you for reminding everyone to turn off those captcha’s!
giggle, I hate those things, I think monitoring comments is so much better
You have a plethora of great advice here, it’s wonderful that you’ve shared it.
The only thing I thought of while reading that you hadn’t already addressed is the group giveaways. It’s fun to help others promote their giveaways, but know what you’re getting into. Don’t just copy/paste the html code w/o giving it a once over for content, spelling, and flavor. I got one full of curse words once that had me editing quite a bit. I was surprised! But also glad I hadn’t just cut/pasted as directed.
Thanks for sharing, your advice is well received.
Wow Rosey! that’s awful. thank you for adding your comment xo
All good tips.
A problem not addressed in the Blog Hop linky parties is one that I am not sure how should be handled.
It is very frustrating for us to link a party in our post to find that that party, for one reason or another, is not there. The host either decides to quit the party….is out of town so the party isn’t going on and so forth.
Then, we bloggers have to go back into our post and delete that said party. This has happened to me several times and its very frustrating. So, if one is planning to host a weekly or monthly link party,
BEING LOYAL to the blog linky party is very important. Also, sending out an email notice to the people that regularly participate in their party when the party is going to be deleted or just postponed would be very nice. I know it’s a lot of hard work hosting these parties…’s also hard on those attempting to join the party only to find it’s not there.
Thanks, bj
Hi Bj, thank you for your comment on blogging tips referencing the blog hops. It can be disappointing to discover a hop is no longer happening. I feel your frustration. I think it’s best to visit the blog before adding your link to your post ( that’s how I do it).
Reminders are tough too. Because blog hop hosts can’t just send reminders out to everyone. The linker has to request a reminder. Originally I had ” participants will receive a hop notice unless I am notified otherwise” or something like that, giggle. But. the reminders were ending up in spam folders and shooting back to me declaring “I was spam” so my comments, emails etc were going into spam folders too. I do have a linky hop reminder list bloggers can sign up on ( its on my hop posts) then they get the reminders and they will always know if a hop isn’t going to be posted.
Thank you for your bloggy friendship and participation, Biggest HUGS!!