Back To School Printables
Back To School Free Printables The party continues here at home as our grandchildren engage in their giggle fests, late nights and all around party time .My blog takeover continues…
website for women,blog, recipes, giveaways, photography, family, life stories, DIY, crafts, faith, product reviews
Back To School Free Printables The party continues here at home as our grandchildren engage in their giggle fests, late nights and all around party time .My blog takeover continues…
Sweet Ambrosia Corn On The Cob Last weekend we went for a drive in search of sweet Ambrosia corn. We took along a picnic lunch and knew we would end…
Where Bloggers Create Happy Friday wishes lovely bloggy friends! Today I am joining many other bloggers who share “where bloggers create”. I must admit some of the places that I…
Chit Chat It’s tid but Tuesday -time for over sharing and well, general TMI 🙂 Sometimes I am challenged for a topic to share. Today is one of those days….
You Looking At Me No need to pass the crimping iron to this Guy. His fleece is naturally short, dense, and “crimpy” (giving it a very woolly appearance). We found…
Family Portrait I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend. I’m just popping in to say hello and I am soooo very happy my hubby is home. Sharing a selfie family…
His Place In The Sun It’s oxymoron day. Time for a little wordy wordless Wednesday. Our sweet Izzy had his first professional grooming the other day. It was the first…
Don’t Panic Its tid bit Tuesday! That means it’s time for over sharing- When I was in my early twenties I used to suffer from debilitating panic attacks. They were…