turkey time
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Turkey Time

It’s thanksgiving week here in the US and this weeks Turkey Time Monday inspirations is an easy one. Looks like we all have thanksgiving on our mind. Thanksgiving is one of my two favorite Holiday’s ( Christmas is the other). A whole day dedicated to being grateful. To sharing, giving and making happy memories. Lets…


Autumn DIY Home Decor Round-Up

Put your crafty hats on! My lovely and talented friend Nina, from Vintage Mama’s Cottage is my very creative guest today. You all know her as my co hostess for the Thursday Favorite Things link party. She is also the Editor and Chief at the Christian magazine, Ruby for Women. You can see the latest digital edition…

Thursday Favorite Things blog hop 223

Thursday Favorite Things blog hop 223

Welcome to the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop 223- I get so excited for the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop every week I bet you can hear me screaming it’s time to part…eeey. My favorite thing this week is… this beautiful  Grace teacup and purple peacock journal. Both were Christmas gifts.Peacocks always remind me of my…

make it monday
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Make It Monday Week Eighty

Make It Monday Week Eighty The weeks before Christmas are a hub bub of activity here in blog land and at home too. But,Christmas week typically slows down quite a bit. It is essential that bloggers step back from blogging and embrace the holiday and make happy memories. I am looking forward to all that you share after the holidays.  We…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Seventy Nine

Make It Monday Week Seventy Nine We had such a terrific turnout for the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop last week. Thank you so much for sharing all of your wonderful blogs. This time of the year there is so much too see. We were near the record of 725 links shared. Thank you again! I’m sure you can…

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5 Easy Steps for Shipping Cookies

5 Easy Steps for Shipping Cookies You are a cookie baking dynamo! You’ve baked everyone’s favorite Christmas/Holiday cookies. You are just 5 Easy Steps away from shipping Cookies to their destination in one piece. That’s right, all in one piece. With little or no cookie bits! Of course I can’t “guarantee” the cookies will arrive without…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Seventy Eight

Make It Monday Week Seventy Eight Today’s Make It Monday Week Seventy Eight will inspire you in so many wonderful ways. I am very grateful to all who share at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. It is such a pleasure to visit your wonderful blogs every week. Even during the holidays you find time to share, YOU…