purple tea mug

Going Going Gone

Well, my sweet bloggy friends, this is it…I’m still experiencing a lump in my throat and the feeling of my heart pounding like a ticking clock as it strikes 12. Writing these three words, “going, going, gone.” Is just as tough as it was when I wrote my Katherines Corner Shop Closing post HERE. The Katherines…

Gingerbread TFT Link Party
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Gingerbread and TFT Blog Link Party

Welcome to the TFT blog link party ( aka TFT)! This is a great way to share your blog, grow your audience and discover new blogs to follow. This weeks surprise theme is Gingerbread. I’m shining the light on a few of the blogs from last weeks party. There’s gingerbread ahead.  Oh, and just in…

kitchen TFT link party features
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Kitchen and TFT Link Party

The Kitchen is the heart of the home, it’s where we all gather, its where you will find recipes being created that have been handed down for generations or cooking that draws you in the moment you smell it. It’s the place where children and grandchildren make Christmas cookies, where birthday cakes are made and it’s where…