happy new year from katherines corner
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Happy New Year 2021

Hello friends, Happy New Year 2021! I pray you have had a positive holiday and that we will all be enjoying “normalcy ” once again by the end of summer. It’s true 2020 has been a really difficult year. So many people succumbed to the horrible virus. Please continue to pray for those suffering as…

TFT features 12-31-2020
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Last TFT Party for 2020

Hello friends, welcome to TFT! Can you believe 2021 is almost here? This is the last TFT party for 2020. Thank you so much for being part of Katherines Corner’s weekly showcase of awesome bloggers and blog readers! Wishing you all a safe and happy new year’s eve celebration! The features are just a few…



Hello friends, it’s Christmas week, and as we prepare to celebrate our Lord and Saviour’s birth I find myself asking, have I done enough for others? Have I shared enough? Have I prayed enough, meditated enough, worked hard enough, forgiven enough? Have I reached out enough to bring joy to others through sharing in my…

deck the halls and TFT
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Deck the Halls and TFT

Hello friends, welcome to TFT! I’m so happy you’re here! Is your house all aglow, are your ornaments on and your wreaths hung? Have you become completely blissed out over decorating for Christmas? Well, then you will love this week’s feature theme, deck the halls! The features are just a few of the wonderful blogs…

theres stgill tiem to get the perfect gift under 30 dollars

There is Still Time

Hello friends, if you still haven’t found the perfect gift to give this holiday season I’m happy to share that there is still time to find something wonderful. I was going to title this post “Compassionate Consumerism” (smile). Because buying from small independent artisans (like me), is awesome! You are helping their shop grow, your…

saint patrick's day
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Saint Patricks Day Elephant

Hello friends, Happy Saint Patricks Day! I was going to title this post the elephant in the room. But, I want to genuinely celebrate Saint Patricks Day with you first. It is a fun and often silly occasion of celebration and Lord knows we could use a little happy right now. I created a free…