purple tea mug

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  1. So very sorry about your shop. You have some very lovely things. Just remember when God closes one door He is preparing to open another that will be bigger and better. I am keeping you in prayer. And I know all is well.

  2. So many lovely things in your shop but I’m in the stage of life that I’m giving away my stuff. My SIL calls it a Swedish Death Cleanse. Ha! At least my son won’t have to do it!

  3. I am so sorry!! I haven’t known you for long, but I liked your website and your reviews! Praying you’ll be happy in all your future endeavors

  4. I am so sorry. 2018 was a year of loss and heartache, believe me, I know, but I hate that it ran over you too. I am holding fast to the belief that new and even better things are in store for you, even if you don’t know what they are yet.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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