make it monday week forty five

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  1. I love this post got a lot of inspiration from this post for my new house especially for the kitchen love this site it’s my second bible!! Keep up the good work!!

  2. Katherine, you have made me feel like I have just jumped into spring with all of these delicious treats, decorator ideas, self help ideas and Easter treats. Loved this post and cannot wait to stop by the other featured guests to read their posts. Thanks so much for featuring my kimchi pantry fried rice, it really is so quick to throw together, you almost can’t even call it a recipe. Have a super week and take care, BAM

  3. Oh my goodness, Katie!!! I love your sharing of all the wonderful creativity and to be included among them thrills me to pieces! Thank you for the feature and your hard work of linking dedication to display the amazing ideas each week.

    I hope you have an wonderful week because you made mine!

  4. Love all the features my friend, specially the Easter setting, very inspiring.
    Have a lovely week.

  5. Everyone’s photos are so amazing! I love the Ireland in a jar and the resurrection garden. I did a BIG spring cleaning yesterday. My husband helped. I cleaned for 5 hours and got 3 bags of stuff to take to the Good Will. Isn’t is nuts how an already clean house still needs lots of cleaning… in the corners, crannies, and closets and drawers…. ??? I am a huge advocate for clearing clutter, as it opens the channels to abundance and peace of mind.

  6. Thank you so much, Katherine, for featuring my Resurrection Garden….always a sweet surprise on a Monday Morning…..and I’m loving those pom-pom bunnies~ also featured! Have a great week! And thanks again….love

  7. I can already see I am going to be through and pinning a few more today. As for spring, it is here, but still freezing sadly and hoping for a warm up soon. Happy Monday, Katie xoxo 😉

  8. Thanks so much for the feature! There were so many great, creative projects – I’m thrilled to be in such good company! Have a wonderful day!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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