March at Home Giveaway

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  1. I learned that Maria was born in upstate New York (same as my dad!) and that she enjoys collecting pine-cones, shells and drift wood to make things with.

  2. If I won the money I would “splurge” and take my little one to Frozen on Ice; she’s such a dear and she’s earned a treat and we never go anywhere.

  3. I learned that Katherine was born in England but moved to the US in 1975 and now has dual US and UK citizenship.

  4. If I won, I would spend the money on my nephew. His birthday is in June and I’d buy him some presents with the cash.

  5. I learned many things about you but one is that it is your goal to one day live in a cottage by the water. That would be great to live by the water in a cottage.

  6. i learned simple nature decor loves collecting pine-cones, shells and drift wood and make interesting projects from them

  7. Girl, this is a good one! I’m glad you gave me the heads up! I completely missed it! I am presently in the process of making over our master bedroom and let me tell you, this gift card would really help me with the rug I’ve been eyeing =) Thank you!

  8. I love that she enjoys vintage tea cups and uses them as planters! I would never have thought about this I also learned that Maria likes to collect pine cones

  9. I learned that Nature helps her with decisions in her every day life. I find that very inspirational!!

    Judy Cox

  10. Since, I think, that the warmer weather is hopefully just around the corner, I am wanting to redo our back patio. The PayPal money would be very helpful in starting my project!!

    Judy Cox

  11. She is not only a mother to one child and five grand children, she is a mama to her pet, Izzy!!!

    Judy Cox

  12. I would love to use it towards some Easter goodies for my kiddo’s! Since that is a lot for Easter, I would also like to use it to get them each a new pair of shoes for school and the Spring!

  13. I would buy a little something special for my son and myself but the bulk would go toward paying off debt.

  14. Maria loves collecting pine-cones, shells and drift wood and make interesting projects from them.

  15. Re: WOW, I need the prize to buy much needed grocery & supplement to get well soon. OMG. Wow, prize cash is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. Pick me, pick me! Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest. Starving artist here desperately needs the cash to shop and eat again. A life changing experience.

  16. Well, I have a daughter in college so you know where most of that money would go! She needs a new laptop.

  17. Wow, $200 would be amazing to win. I would probably purchase some jewelry and shoes! Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. I learned that Maria Grew up on a farm in upstate New York and that her father was an apple farmer and carpenter while her mom was born in Cost Rica

  19. I learned that Katherine has dual citizen ship to both the UK and the USA and that she is a married mother of one and Grandmother to five

  20. If I win, I would use this to buy curtains, a blender and a few home decor items for my new place!

  21. I learned that Maria grew up on a farm in upstate New York, her father was an apple farmer and carpenter and her mother was born in Cost Rica and immigrated to the states in the 40’s.

  22. Pingback: $200 Cash and Surprise Gift Giveaway - Giveaway Promote
  23. I learned the Katherine was born in England and moved to the U.S. at the age of 15, and she currently has dual (U.S./British) citizenship.

  24. HELLO, I am a quilter and I’d love to buy new fabrics!
    Thank You for your Blog+Giveaway!

  25. OOh, I want to win! I could use the money to go to a conference! Thanks for sharing at Totally Terrific Tuesday. Be sure to stop by again this week…the party is going on now!

  26. With paypal cash I might just give in and order that kilt pin I’ve had my eye on for months. Or maybe grab some linen for my embroidery projects – if I get going on those now they might just be ready for Christmas gifts! A new sketchbook? hmmm…so many ways to share the wealth!

  27. Maria loves collecting vintage items from antique shops and putting her nature spin to them such as her floral vintage tea cups and planting perennials and annuals in them.

  28. want to win because I really need the prize due to the fact that I have worked very hard the past 6 months and lost 40lbs. I stopped drinking soda and eating fatty foods, making better choices actually on what I eat. Also I am walking 2 miles every morning and doing 30 mins of cardio
    every afternoon. I’m adopting this way of life to stay thin and healthy!! Now the side effect of this weight loss is wonderful!! It’s called self confidence…I am so proud of myself for accomplishing my goal. The bad side effect of my weight loss is that none of my clothes fit me any more!! I’ll buy clothes for my new thinner self!

  29. I would purchase things for a much needed makeover for our master bedroom. Hubby has asked for years to move us into the master suite but, I have filled it with mismatched junk and am in the process of weeding it all out and painting and making it over into a needed cosey room to make him very happy! Trying to stay motivated though!

  30. I learnt that you were born in England and so you have UK citizenship! That is awesome! I love England. I wish I could live there!

  31. I’ve been needing a new mp3-player for so long so I would buy one. Then, I would use the rest of the money to pay bills. Thank you for the giveaway!

  32. Oh, you ladies are so generous. Thanks for the opportunity. If I win I will give it to my hard working and supportive hubby who gives me not just what I need but quite often stuff I want.

  33. Thank you for this opportunity I would use the money to put towards having a special dinner with my pup his birthday is coming soon.

  34. I learned that we have something in common – we both want to someday live in a cottage by water!

  35. We are moving into our new house the end of March, so I would use it to decorate it with the money! And yes…I love surprises. Thank you for hosting this fabulous giveaway!

  36. The first thing I would buy is a battery for my darn car! Then…I would fill my car up with gas! This money would definitely come in handy right now!

  37. If I win, I’d love to spend it on some Etsy items for my little girl! I’ve come across some pretty amazing things…..

  38. I would love to have a Silhouette Cameo machine, but it’s never in the budget- this would help me with getting one!

  39. I would hang on to it until I find out if we are moving or not. If we move it will go into fixing up the new place. If we don’t it will go outside in my yard and garden. Either way, our home.

  40. I would use the PayPal cash to wittle away at my wish list on Amazon or vitacost. Some would go on my Starbucks card

  41. Maria grew up on a farm in New York, now lives in coastal South Carolina and has lots of pets!

  42. Her husband is Sparky, her dog Izzy. She was born in England in1960 moved to USA in 1975, and lives in Utah.

  43. I need to get some Spring time items for the house. My entrance is in desperate need of an update 🙂

  44. Hi, Katherine! I love doing little intentional/random RAKs – this would be fun to spend on that! Thanks for linking this up with Waiting on…Wednesday!

  45. I really need a new computer so I think I would use the money towards a new computer or maybe an ipad

  46. i’d spend the prize money for my birthday, its time to give back by treating my family and friends to an exclusive dinner.. crossing fingers on this one please..

  47. She loves collecting pine-cones, shells and drift wood. She makes interesting projects from them. She loves collecting vintage items from antique shops. She loves nature and makes most of her decisions based on nature.

  48. I have a friend who’s been going through a very tough time lately so I think I will browse a few shops and find something special to cheer her up.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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