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  1. I'm so jealous, we are expecting more snow this week 🙁 I will have some seed starter mix under my nails in the next few days though!

  2. Garden looks great, mine is a huge mess. Will have to get out there soon, now that the weather is getting better. Love that phone at the bottom, so pretty!! Hope you have a great week xx

  3. Hi Katherine,
    I was so happy that you stopped by to have tea with me today and talk about our garden. I just love the smell of the dirt and carefully placing the seeds in the row. I just had to come see what you were planting today. I look forward to our visits.
    Best Wishes,
    Miz Helen

  4. Oh, we are no where near planting season around here! The bulbs are just starting to pop up, but I think the ground is still very hard.

  5. Spring is in the air and today was the Spring Equinox, but we are still not warm enough to plant!
    Enjoy your garden, and your peas!!


  6. I greatly admire people that aren't afraid to get dirty. I don't do it, but love to reap the rewards of those that do!

  7. Wonderful garden spot! I love spring. There is nothing more satisfying than dirt under then nails…well almost nothing. (wink)

  8. I answered springs call today as well and I love dirt under my nails! I was so excited to see that all my rose bushes survived our NY winter, yea! Thanks for your post, I always enjoy my visits to your site! Happy Spring!

  9. Spring has certainly sprung in my little corner of the world today Katherine! Clear blue skies with warm sunshine, and it's actually been warmer. Yay! I've been working in the garden for most of the day. It's so good to get back out there again and see everything coming back to life.

  10. I can hardly wait to get my hands in the dirt. It is still rainy cold here so not dirt yet. But very soon. Maybe next weekend. I hope. Visiting from Sunday Storlling Hop.

  11. I love this little verse….
    "Spring has sprung!
    The grass has riz!
    I wonder where the flowers is??"
    Not many flowers at my place yet. I am still raking brown leaves out of the bushes!
    LOVE love LOVE your boxed garden!!

  12. Beautiful! Isnt' it wonderful to watch them sprout up out of the ground, especially those you planted?! New life with outstretched arms upward! ((xo))

  13. Hi Katherine,
    Happy spring! Looks like you will have a beautiful garden!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog…glad to have found you too.

  14. Spring is my favorite time of year. Can you tell I'm excited just like you.
    Happy digging…… dirt style.


  15. So lucky I can't wait to get my hands dirty! I think Buffalo spring is a month behind everyone else. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  16. Spring is rushing into NC and everything is bursting into blossom. Your garden is looking great and I hope you have a wonderful harvest later. Personally I do not have the time or patience to deal with a garden especially after my last effort when the worms tried to destroy all my joy. Now I look forward to the opening of our farmers market and reap their bounty. Have a great rest of the weekend.

    1. Odie my sweet friend, I’m so happy you visit the farmers market. Even though we always have a lovely garden I do buy veggies we haven’t grown at our local farmers market too.

  17. We will be tilling our garden the first of the month. Our first crop is peas too. We had about 13 rows of peas last year and still have some leftover. I think we need to cut that number in half. Best of luck and Happy Spring.

  18. Happy spring Katherine. My bulbs are already blooming and I will pick them for a bouquet this morning. How wonderful to be greeted by daffodils in March.

    1. My daffys are struggling to show their sweet yellow face. They are one of my favorite spring flowers.

  19. Spring is peeking out in Chicago, but it is much to early to plant anything. Now, I cannot wait.


  20. Yep! It's calling me too!….I'm gonna answer, but not with a garden. I'm thinking about crocheting Spring wedding jewelry maybe. We'll see!! 🙂 Whatever I do, it'll be nice to do it in some sunshine, instead of piles of snow!! ^_^

  21. makes me deep down glad
    to see those little furrows
    with seeds freshly tucked in
    and ready to start their
    Oh happy Spring!

  22. We answered our call yesterday, and I loved every minute of it! I posted some pics, stop by when you have a free minute.

  23. I can't wait to get back to NC and start playing in the garden with my grandchildren. I have great dirt up there…lol..

Love each other as God loves you xo

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