pink tulips

Shop Spotlight The French Kiosk

Shop Spotlight The French Kiosk   Bonjour bloggy friends,Today’s’ spotlight is shining brightly on Catherine from the French Kisosk. She is a skillful and artful photographer who sells her Fine Art Photography and Vintage French Treasures in her etsy shop aptly named Welcome to Katherines Corner Catherine, ( great name by the way) your shop…

independent artists

Shop Spotlight Shop Witty

Today I am continuing my Independent Artists series by shining the light on Lynet and Gary of Shop Witty. A creative husband and wife team who are working together at home making lovely handmade paper goods. Through Lynet’s resourcefulness they have created a great organizational system for their products and supplies. Lynet said, ” we have…

New Years Eve at Katherines Corner

New Years Eve at Katherines Corner

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday. Our Christmas was lots of fun and it was filled with laughter, happy memory making and way to much food. I have gained 7 pounds since Thanksgiving…………… I know I usually share a recipe on Monday,but because it’s New Years eve I thought I would share something else instead. You…

The Stockings Are Hung

The Stockings Are Hung

It’s officially Christmas at our house. The stocking are hung ( Izzy’s is in the middle) , the lights  are on, the tree has been trimmed. The sound of Christmas music is playing  and I have visions of  sugar plums a white Christmas dancing in my head. I’m sharing some of my holiday decor with you…

jewelry fashion reviews

Jewelry Reviews and Fashion Reviews

Fashion Reviews, Shoe Reviews, Accessory Reviews I am happy to provide jewelry reviews and fashion reviews, especially fashions for tall women. Please CLICK HERE for details on submitting a product for review. I also provide a copy of my review to if requested. Disclosure and legal information on reviews and Katherines Corner, in general, can be…

diy blog
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Features On Friday

Features On Friday Hello sweet bloggy friends, I’m been working some crazy hours lately starting at about 4:30 am and ending in complete exhaustion around 9 pm. But, I still managed to get around to some of your wonderful blogs.  You know I think you are ALL amazing. Today’s post features just a few of…