make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Seventy Three

Make It Monday Week Seventy Three- Happy Monday wishes sweet bloggy friends.  I hope you all enjoyed a nice weekend. Did you miss anything at Katherines Corner last week? I shared an update about our sweet friend Debi ,please continue to lift her up in prayer . The annual cookie swap linky party started yesterday! I had…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Sixty Eight

Make It Monday Week Sixty Eight A new week of possibilities ahead dear friends.  I think these inspirations shared at last week’s Thursday Favorite Things blog hop will start your week off with a smile. Lets get right to the features for Make It Monday Week Sixty Eight. I think there is something for everyone. Cherishing A…

make it monday week fifty one
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Make It Monday Week Fifty One

Make It Monday Week Fifty One Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a lovely weekend. We had our grandchildren over for a weekend of memory making. Sleepovers at our house are always so much fun!  I am happy to announce the winner of the Bloom giveaway is Tricia from Canada. Please join me in congratulating…

make it monday week forty six
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Make It Monday Week Forty Six

Make It Monday Week Forty Six Happy Monday everyone, I hope you had a nice weekend. Easter is nearly here and there were some wonderful Easter  inspirations shared at last weeks Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. Spring has sprung for most of us too and there were some lovely Spring posts shared. I know you…

turtle pie recipe

Turtle Pie

Turtle Pie Recipe It’s quiet here. I can almost hear my heart beating. Izzy ( our dog) sleeps at my side and the house is still. Our grandchildren are at their home now. Back to their routines and anxiously awaiting their first day back to school. I look forward to their first day of school…