give me a sign monday inspirations

Give Me A Sign Monday Inspirations

Hello friends, hoping you all enjoyed a lovely weekend. I love to see a sweet and sometimes encouraging sign displayed in someones home. This week’s theme came together fairly quickly. Which is great, because I’m feeling a bit weary today. Not to tired to stop by your amazing blogs for a visit though. ” Give…

Here Comes the Fun Thursday Favorite Things Blog Party

Here Comes the Fun Thursday Favorite Things Blog Party

Where blog writers and blog readers come to learn ,share and discover a wonderful variety of awesome! Every week bloggers generously share their posts with us. I am shining a light on just a few that caught my eye last week. There are still plenty of others to discover. Just hop over to the party from…

time for thursday favorite things
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Time for Thursday Favorite Things

It’s time for Thursday Favorite Things! A party for blog writers and blog readers.Welcome to Katherines Corner its time for Thursday Favorite Things! I’m enjoying time spent with our grandchildren this week ( they are staying with us while our daughter and son in law are in California).I say it all of the time and…

diy valentines
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Valentine Accents Monday Inspirations

Valentine Accents Monday Inspirations- We had a whole lot of valentine posts at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop last week! Thank you to ALL who share every week. These are just a few of the many wonderful things waiting for you from last weeks party. Valentine accents were found in all shapes and sizes. Not…

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Make Spooky Ghost Hot Chocolate

DIY Spooky Ghost Hot Chocolate- It is my pleasure to have the lovely and talented Angelina from Peonies and Orange Blossoms as my guest at my little corner of  blog land. If you haven’t visited her blog, you must visit, it’s terrific! Many of you recognize her from the Thursday Favorite Things link party. She is…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Eighty Nine

Make It Monday Week Eighty Nine- Welcome to Make It Monday week Eighty Nine- I hope you all enjoyed a nice weekend.  It’s time for another Make It Monday filled with inspiration from last weeks Thursday Favorite Things blog hop link party. In case I don’t say it often enough, you all share the most wonderful…

make it monday
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Make It Monday Week Eighty Two

We had some wonderful snow flurries over the weekend. Is it cold where you are?I know a lot of you don’t like the winter weather. But, I’m always excited when it rains or snows. We need to have plenty of water for the spring and summer. We don’t want to ration water again and  our urban…

katherines corner solidarity with France
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Make It Monday Week Seventy Five

Make It Monday Week Seventy Five- Welcome to Make It Monday Week Seventy Five.  I hope you all enjoyed a fun weekend. As you may recall my hubby has been fighting a nasty head cold…Insert box of tissue and taa daa, I’m joining him… This is a photo of my brother and I when we lived…