thoughts on april

Thoughts on April

Hello friends, April is one of my favorite months of the year. Is it weird that I have favorite months? April for it’s rain showers and Easter. May for our daughter’s birthday, June our wedding anniversary (married for 20 years June 1st). October brings my second favorite season, autumn and the celebration of my sweet…

party balloons

Celebrations Not on Your Calendar

Hello friends, I’m a huge advocate of celebrate everything. I think we can always find something to celebrate. So I did a little research and I found some fun celebrations not on your calendar ( well they may be on some of your calendars, smile). Lets enjoy some out of the box fun. 06 National…

autumn home decor tour
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Autumn In Our Home

Hello friends, autumn in our home comes in a variety of seasonal décor. I could have done more in the “Christmas Tree Room” (aka the little bonus room), but I like the mantle just as it is (smile). The dining table displays my Plethora of Pumpkins. If you missed the Autumn on a Tray blog…

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