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    1. Thank you my friend. It’s been a lot tougher than expected with regard to the broken links on the blog. The Pinterest ones I’m working on slowly. I’m grateful for you xo

  1. Katherine,
    I know it is so painful. Several years ago I had some difficult issues as well. I almost quite but since I am a lemon too, I hug in and redid it. You will get through this, I am sure.
    Thanks for all the tips. I pinned some and will pin more.

  2. katherine! i see you have over 400k views a month! woohoo! I pinned the pie. & i am still a follower! i had a blog meltdown a few years ago (remember i started as not a trophy wife) and it ended up being a gift ( after the tears)!

    1. Thank you sweet Laura,oh yes I do remember the rebranding. Funny though, now when I think of your blog I always think of everyday edits. So your gift was indeed a blessing.
      Remember when I tried rebranding to angel stories, that sunk like a stone, LOL. Here’s hoping the gift is received here too. Biggest HUGS!!!

  3. Omgosh Katherine! I’m so sorry you’re going through this. So not fun!!! I’m at work but when I go home & work on blog stuff tonight I’ll be pinnning you lady. You are incredibly motivational with your positive attitude! XO- MaryJo

  4. Oh Katherine! It’s neverending, isn’t it? But since I’m a Lemons girl too, I get it! Onward! I hope to get my boards cleaned up too – you’re very inspiring. In the meantime, I’ve pinned a few and will pin some more. Good luck and know that we’re all behind you!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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