Rolling a Boulder Up a Hill
Hello friends, well darn I think most of you know what happened with my blog. If you missed the tear stained post you can see it HERE. (smile). So I’m starting all over with Pinterest. Sadly none of the links you or I posted directly from Katherines Corner to Pinterest will work. They will all show an error code, because the IP address to my blog was changed by GoDaddy when they republished Katherines Corner, Ughhh…….

I must tell you this is a daunting task, ( like pushing a boulder up hill) but one I know is necessary. I’ve tried editing each pin with the new IP address but it doesn’t work. I just get an error message that the edit can’t be saved. I’ve contacted Pinterest and I’m sure I’ll hear back from them at some point waaaay in the future. So I’m taking this disappointment as an opportunity to create and organize my Pinterest Boards. What can I say, I’m a lemonade out of lemons kind of person (smile).
Your photo for Pinterest should be 1000 x 1500 pixels, a rudimentary example is below.

Do you use sections in your Pinterest boards?
I’ve checked out some Pinterest tips and tricks and found the following:
- Your username and blog/site information can be searched! Specifically, your blog/site name. So, if you go to Pinterest and search Katherines Corner several pins will pop up!
- Include key search words in your profile.
- If you use
hashtagskeywords put them at the end of the description, limit yourhashtagskeywords to 10 or less to avoid being targeted as spam. - You can pin videos.
- Use text overlay on your videos, it’s like SEO .
- Fill out the details area, descriptions and categories influence how your content is found on Pinterest search.
- Board descriptions should be short and to the point. Two sentences is enough.
- Claim your blog/site. I had to reclaim my blog again. Make sure you have claimed yours. There are three options. Please see image below.

Since Pinterest is one of the social media accounts I most enjoy (I also share on Instagram and Facebook) I’m taking things slowly to make sure I get it right.
I found some great tips for Pinterest Marketing on Hubspot HERE
Would you consider pinning from Katherines Corner? You can leave a comment telling me how many images you pinned and I’ll hop over to your blog and do the same.
I look forward to seeing you here on Thursday for the TFT blog hop link party!
Katherine, I’ve had you on my mind so much during this blog disaster! I will get going and pin! xo
Thank you my friend. It’s been a lot tougher than expected with regard to the broken links on the blog. The Pinterest ones I’m working on slowly. I’m grateful for you xo
I know it is so painful. Several years ago I had some difficult issues as well. I almost quite but since I am a lemon too, I hug in and redid it. You will get through this, I am sure.
Thanks for all the tips. I pinned some and will pin more.
You are such a sweetie, thank you so much. Yes I do remember…ugh! I’m glad you’re a lemon xo
I’ve been meaning to set up on Pinterest. Once I do, I’ll definitely be helping out with pinning your content! Sorry this happened to you.
Sally thank you for your lovely comment. When you have Pinterest set up please let me know and I will follow you. Hugs!
Katherine, that must have been devastating. My heartaches for you! I might have thrown in the towel, and admire your tenacity.
You are too kind. This is proving to be a challenge for certain. Hugs!
katherine! i see you have over 400k views a month! woohoo! I pinned the pie. & i am still a follower! i had a blog meltdown a few years ago (remember i started as not a trophy wife) and it ended up being a gift ( after the tears)!
Thank you sweet Laura,oh yes I do remember the rebranding. Funny though, now when I think of your blog I always think of everyday edits. So your gift was indeed a blessing.
Remember when I tried rebranding to angel stories, that sunk like a stone, LOL. Here’s hoping the gift is received here too. Biggest HUGS!!!
Omgosh Katherine! I’m so sorry you’re going through this. So not fun!!! I’m at work but when I go home & work on blog stuff tonight I’ll be pinnning you lady. You are incredibly motivational with your positive attitude! XO- MaryJo
Oh my goodness MaryJo you are such a blessing. Thank you for your friendship and lovely comment xo
I hope redoing it doesn’t take forever. Sorry, not on Pinterest.
Me too, and thank you Hugs!
Oh Katherine! It’s neverending, isn’t it? But since I’m a Lemons girl too, I get it! Onward! I hope to get my boards cleaned up too – you’re very inspiring. In the meantime, I’ve pinned a few and will pin some more. Good luck and know that we’re all behind you!
Barbara you are amazing, caring and a joy to call a friend, thank you. I’m off to your blog to pin xo