memorial day monday inspiration
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Memorial Day Monday Inspirations

It’s Memorial Day here in the US, Happy Memorial Day! As I looked back through my previous Memorial Day posts I realized I have shared five Memorial Days with you here at Katherines Corner and before that one at my old site, Go Ask Katie. I have written three Memorial Day Prayers and last year…

Bits of Random Monday Inspirations
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Bits of Random Monday Inspirations

Bits of Random Monday Inspirations- Hello friends, I hope you all enjoyed a nice weekend. It really is amazing how quickly they go by isn’t it? I was a bit under the weather and I apologize but I only selected a few random and wonderful blog posts to feature today. I will make up for it…

summer berry recipes to add to your menu
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Berry Recipes to Add to Your Menu

Berry Recipes to Add to Your Menu- Welcome, to the the first “official” Monday Inspirations post. This week I am borrowing a little influence from Martha Stewart when I say, “it is a berry good thing”. If you missed my announcement last week. I’ll just run through it again quickly. Every Monday I will feature some of…

make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Ninety Eight

Make It Monday Week Ninety Eight- Welcome to Make It Monday Week Ninety Eight. I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Mothers Day weekend. I love this quote, “All that I am, and all that I hope to be, I owe to my angel mother” – Abraham Lincoln”. i have always referred to my Mother as an…

strawberry teacup katherines corner
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Thursday Favorite Things blog hop link party 235

Thursday Favorite Things Link Party 235- Welcome to Thursday Favorite Things blog hop link party 235, please invite your blog readers and bloggy friends to join us too. The Thursday Favorite Things blog hop link party is a great way to grow your blog and to discover new blogs too. Join us by linking your favorite blog…