chicken tacos

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  1. What great fun it is for grandchildren to get to stay with Grandma and Grandpa! Have a wonderful week together!
    We love Chicken tacos,and anything Mexican over here at my house! Soft tacos with flour tortillas for the kids. I like the corn tortillas for me. But I also love Tostadas!

  2. Tacos are my favorite Mexican food! I bet your house was abuzz this weekend with 4 of your grandkids there. I bet they love spending time with you and your husband. If your like me, you’ll be collapsing into a chair and blowing when they leave! HAH

    Have a great time with the grandkids!

  3. My children (even the grown ones) would love this, chicken tacos are high on their list of delicious. The pics are great, glad you get to enjoy your grandchildren. 🙂

  4. I don’t have grandchildren yet, but that recipes sounds wonderfully yummy. I can see why it is one of their favorites.
    I bet Izzy is having fun with so many playmates. 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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