grace teacups

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  1. Katherine… that teacup is so pretty! I love all of your teacups, though. The egg is so cute! I’m thinking about decorating eggs this year. That should be fun. Just letting the inner child come out. Ha ha.


  2. Such a terrific share. I am so happy I stopped by. I am excited, I recently purchased a blue morning glory tea cup and am waiting to have it sent to me. My mom always planted morning glories so I wanted to add that cup to my collection. Have a beautiful weekend and I really love this. xo

  3. Thanks so much for hosting this party every week! I’m finding all kinds of good reading material, recipes, and getting some visits myself. 🙂

  4. Katherine, thanks so much for hosting. Love the tea cup. I have a ‘little thing’ for dishes… I just adore Eddie Ross’s style from BHG. Hope you are following him on Insta. Have a wonderful weekend.


  5. I just LOVE your pansy teacup! A beautiful photo!! Thank you for hosting and hope you have a wonderful rest of the week! 🙂

  6. Katie, thanks so much to you and the ladies for hosting! Hope you’re having a happy week and hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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