idioms life stories

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  1. Fwew! Glad you’re okay! Hopefully, a little R&R can help; but from reading on, seems like you’re not getting any of that. Maybe w/the computer going down, Someone was trying to tell you the same thing

  2. Bumps in the roads are always expected. Two great quilt block patterns, “Road to Oklahoma” or ” London Road” have plenty of bumps for those quilters who ply their needles as they create works of art with fabric. SEW many bumps!

  3. How frustrating and inscrutable these electronic devices can be! Especially to those of us who didn’t grow up with them! Hope your bumps all get smoothed out pronto! Here’s a little example of the mysteries of the internet/computer world. One day I tried to access one of my favorite blogs and the computer just wouldn’t not let me. I was so upset and hadn’t a clue–still haven’t–as to why this was happening. My computer is ancient so I chalked it up to aged equipment. But I was still so disappointed. This went on for a month or more. Then one day a week or so ago I tried to access the blog again and no problem–there it was! I was thrilled but I”m also perplexed and confounded. And wary that it will be inaccessible again. So go figure—it’s all magic and mystery to me!

    Good luck Katherine with all your electronic conundrums and confounding bumps in the road!

  4. Hello my sweet friend – I’m still reeling from a few bumps in the road in my neighborhood, too, so I completely understand. Hoping soon to be back in business and will do my best to promote all of the giveaways coming up this holiday season. Love you! Hugs, Nina xoxoxo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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